6th grade Day 1

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The first day of Middle School was nerve wrecking. Most kids that went to my Elementary School went to a different Middle School than me so I was alone.... Not fully alone though I also had my cousin with me, we were the same age and our birthdays weren't every far from each others I like to think of her as one of my best friends but she's a really shy girl doesn't really talk much. So I saw one girl I recognized I went up to her and said "Hey" I noticed this one other girl standing by her she looked at me and we started talking and we both remember the girl was talking about shaving her legs and we both bring that up from time to time and just laugh about it, then the other girl left and we just talked we noticed we had our 1st hour together, choir. I'm a really outgoing talkative person so I made friends easily. The first day was a blur I can't really remember much of that day but I remember the first time I met my best friend and friends but some come more along, In all I had a pretty decent day.

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