23: Kissing Concrete

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"Ah, why'd you have to turn around?" Sangwoo asked, as Bum peered behind himself, looking that the man that he thought was penetrating him. "What are you going to do about this? Everything's ruined..." He was referring to the fact that he wasn't actually having sex with Bum. He was using a dildo.

"Why...That?" Bum asked, shocked.

"Isn't it obvious?" Sangwoo asked as he shoved the toy in deeper. "If there's no condom then there's nothing to do."

"S-Stop! It hurts... Stop! It hurts! It... hurts!" Bum cried out, as Sangwoo continued his assault.

"But earlier you felt so good you were about to cry. Yet now you're crying because of the pain? How selfish. Gi-aewould never..." Sangwoo stopped. "Gi-ae... FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!" He had forgotten you. It had been at least an hour since he picked up Ji Eun. Rushed, he grabbed whatever clothes he could find, crammed his quickly falling erection into his pants, grabbed his keys and ran out the door.

The last few hours for you however, had been hell. The karaoke bar was supposed to be fun, but you were too intoxicated to sing, so you just sat down. But even that wasn't safe. The one man who had shown interest in you pulled you onto his lap and was rubbing your legs. At one point, he unzipped your pants and felt around. Your vision was still swimming, so all you could do was smile and nod at people. You were off-script. So off-script. Since they had stopped giving you drinks, you were able to understand a bit more of what was going on.

"Don't bother her, you know she's drunk." The girl said to the man who was holding you.

"She likes it. Don't you like it?" He asked you. The words didn't make any sense to you, so you nodded. Everyone likes agreeable girls. Sangwoo's voice rang in your head. You can't just say yes to everyone. People will take advantage of you. But you can trust me and Daddy. We wouldn't do that. Your mother's voice fought with Sangwoo's. Don't let anyone do anything to you that you don't like. Sangwoo reminded you. Your eyes were closing, the people were leaving the man beneath you was practically carrying you out.

"Oh come on man, you can't take her back. She's beyond drunk, that's just not right. Haven't you felt her up enough? You even unzipped her pants. Just leave her here to sober up."

You kissed the concrete and went to sleep. You dreamed of your mother, beating on you for getting caught snuggling with Sangwoo.

"You insolent child! You know what he wants from you! You've probably already given it to him! That's a precious thing and don't forget it!"

"Mommy, please! I didn't do anything else! I swear! Please! Stop!" You cried out as she broke the skin on your back.

"Promise that you won't see him again!" She continued beating on your bloodied back.

"No!" You screamed. "He's my only friend!"

"Promise or I'll kill you." Your mother threatened quietly.

"I p-p-p-promise, Mommy." But that had been a lie. It would be her that would be killed, and you were certainly going to see Sangwoo again.

The next time you regained consciousness, Sangwoo was shaking you, yelling at you.

"Gi-ae! FUCK! Gi-ae, please wake up! Forgive me! Gi-ae!?" He registered that your eyelids were fluttering.

"S-Sang?" You whispered. Your throat hurt, your face hurt, your body hurt but most of all, your heart hurt.

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