54: Going Home

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"Gi-ae?! Oh God... Thank God! Are you okay? I'll come get you right now. Then you can tell me what happened." Sangwoo was stunned. This wasn't how he pictured this happening.

"O-Okay, I'll see you soon." You hung up the phone and turned towards the detective. "He said he'll come get me."

He nodded as he went to guide you to the middle of the station. Around you, the other officers were gossiping. "I mean, she's pretty cute. I was pretty sure that Sangwoo used to date girls..."

"Yeah and if they were childhood friends maybe that spark will be there..."

"It's such a waste for a guy like that to be like that. Those are the genes that should be passed on..."

"Be quiet. She can hear you, you know..."

You didn't care. All you cared about was that you were going to get away with it and get to go home. "Excuse me..." You looked up at the detective next to you and put on your best innocent face.

"Yes, ma'am?"

"Is there a way that you can make it so the people taking my picture can't show my face? I'd like to just... live in peace... No big news, no one knowing it was me. Does that make sense?"

"Yeah, we'll put a gag order in. We still have some investigating to do, but you'll probably be good to rebuild your life. Hopefully your buddy here can help you with that." He nodded towards the door which showed a frantic Sangwoo pushing through the doors.

Quickly, his arms were wrapped around you. "Oh, Gi-ae. I thought I'd never see you again."

"See, I told you. Totally going to fall in love." You heard someone whisper.

"Is she good to go, or do you need something else from her?" Sangwoo looked up at the detective but refused to let go of you.

"You're going to promise me that you'll take good care of her right, Sangwoo?" The chief of police walked in. "No funny business, you hear? You two have a lot in common. Maybe you can bond over that."

"Yes, sir. I can promise you that." He released you from his grip.

"Then you're free to take her home to relax. Maybe pick up some clothes for her, in whatever style she likes. Then she doesn't have to sit in those old things. Fifteen year old clothes, no good for the cold weather that started up yesterday." He shook his head. Such a tragedy that you had been through. Worse than what happened to Sangwoo, honestly. At least he hadn't been kidnapped shortly after his parent's murder. You thanked the police officers and took Sangwoo's hand. This would most likely not be the end of this, but for now, you were glad to be going home. You both remained silent for the car ride, unable to decide what to say to each other. You wanted to tell him about what you did, he wanted to tell you how much he needed you. Silently, the car pulled into the driveway and you both exited the car. As you walked to the door and began punching the code in, Sangwoo's large hand gently laid itself on the door in front of your face, indicating that he wanted you to stop. So you did.

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