Chapter 2

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I place a hand on my head, it felt like a boulder had rammed right into my head and my vision started to become blurred and I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Aphmau? Are you alright?" It was Aaron's hand and he was worried about me, this was weird for me, I shook my head and stood from the bar stool and stumbled feeling my feet slide from beneath me as the pain in my head only gets worse.

"APH!" I hear the quiet voices of my friends and they run over and a spot clears in the room as someone catches my fall and lays me on the ground and everyone crowds around me.

"Everyone give the girl some room to breathe! She looks like she's about to pass out!" One of the bartenders yells and the people back away to the other half of the bar leaving the bartender and my friends and Aaron.

"Aphmau you need to go to a hospital." I could barely hear anything at this point the pain in my head was affecting all my senses, I couldn't feel anything, I couldn't smell the harsh alcohol behind the counter like I normally could, I could barely see everyone crowded over me, and everyone who was yelling were now just whispers.

"Call an ambulance! She's losing consciousness!" I could barely recognize the voice that was yelling and I reached up touching the cheek of whoever was crying and wiped the tears away, it was in my nature to do that, the person grabbed my hand and held it to their cheek.

Hours Later
Aaron POV

Aphmau had been admitted to the hospital shortly after she lost complete consciousness, before the ambulance had arrived she touched my cheek wiping away my tears of guilt, I caused this, if I had thought about what would happen during her transformation years ago we wouldn't be in this situation.

"Aaron Lycan?" A nurse walks out from the back and I look at her and stand quickly.

"How is she, is she okay?" My mind was flooded with questions about her condition and whether she regained her memory or not.

"Ms. Pheonix will be in a coma for a few weeks, her brain is trying to recall memories from before she lost her memory years ago and it will take a big mental and physical toll on her." I look at the ground thinking about what I'm going to tell her family, Sylvanna will be even more mad at me than she already always is.

"Okay, could I at least see her?" The nurse nods and walks me back to aphmau's room where I see a breathing mask on her face and I.V's hooked up all over both of her arms.

I walk over and stare down at her, her tan skin was pale as the breathing mask rested over her nose and mouth and her Amber colored eyes stayed closed. I sit in the chair and cover my face leaning my elbows in my knees for support.

"I'm so stupid, I never should have talked to her at the bar, I should have just acted like I do at work, she forgot me, I need to accept that and move on..." I sobbed into my hands quietly so no one would hear me.

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