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"I think I saw the boys there" I said

"What impossible" he said as if it was a no big deal


"Well I surely saw a donkey plus monkey jumping from one place to another with a constipated face" I said with a confident smile. But as a result I only got lucas laugh. "but how are you so sure that it was one of the boys"he asked while laughing a tear that escape his eyes when he was laughing "Well no one other than Jordan has capability to do that specially in public" I said in improve-your-knowledge tone.

"But why are you worrying about something so trivial." he asked softly not trying to hit any nerve "I'm not worried I'm just concerned about my best friend's reaction" I replied with lot of hostility in my voice.

"Eleana darling don't worry I'll surely find a solution for this whole situation.Promise" he practically vowed but wait did he just called me darling??

"dude what are you my boyfriend? always calling me names not mention names like darling baby or your personal favorite mon amour. For heavens sake stop being clingy like a koala"i said with very much strong and angry voice. but just earned a damn chuckle from him.

"Aww you don't like me calling you darling. Then I will call you cutie pie or wait cupcake yes cupcake it is." He looked happy and satisfied while saying that but no he can't call me that ever. So i started with my act

"Aww so I'll call you poookie bear" I sang and he give me a death glare but decided to stay quite. We were sitting in comfortable silence until Inoticed just how gracefully he actually drive,how swiftly he work his way with steering wheel but wait just why I'm thinking that
Brain:- 'cause you don't know how to drive.
Shut up nobody asked you. Stupid brain
Brain:- yes she just called her very own brain stupid

We passed several parks market and ofcourse trees damn my sense of humor I'm so god damn funny.

I was giggling on my own joke until- "sometimes I really think you are some lunatic who ran away from mental hospital"-Lucas interrupted my thoughts.

"Whatever" i struck my tongue out.

We both were laughing and joking until his phone rang and became all serious

"Whats wrong? Are you okay? Wait was that about them?" I asked panicking a little.

"Yes Eleana it was about them and guess what they are back and this time with a bloody motive" he said emphasizing the word motive.

"What motive?" I asked not sure what to expect. "They want to kill you but don't worry boss are sending more men for your protection" he said becoming quite unsure himself.

"Oh please I'm very much capable of protecting myself and other that that I already habe a bodyguard." I argued 'cause dude lets be real Ican take down 15 mens at the same time then why I need protection and I already have lucas to protect me.  And yes lucas is my personal bodyguard.

"Well ma'am your that one bodyguard is not capable of putting 50 most dangerous men down even with your help so stop being freaking childish and accept the responsibility of your position. You are practically going to lead the p_" before he could complete I interrupted his and said "stop i don't need a bloody reminder."

I hopped out off the car and said lucas a goodbye but before i could even enter the house i got a 100000 watt shock not litrally but i saw Xavier's car in driveway so you get that right.

"Damn I'm in so much trouble" i whispered to myself...
Ferrero- sorry guys for a late update but we had our exams.

Rocher- yeah and studies come first.

Ferrero- but we will make sure that it will not happen again. Atleast anytime soon...

Rocher- yeah pinky promise until then watch shinchan eat junk food and love our story.

Ferrero- and me. Anyways share,vote and comment.

Rocher- a personal advice love your family and bff as much as you can don't make them feel alone. Never take them for granted guys like neverrr

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