Twist Of Fate

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You were just a simple girl who led a not so exciting life on a island in the East Blue.

Your sitting in the local bar eating lunch all by yourself. Your kinda a loaner, okay you have no friends.

As your sitting there you notice a very peculiar green haired boy sitting at the other end of the bar drinking sake with...three swords???

Why the hell does he need three

He glances your way a few times, but you pretend you weren't just staring at him. You hear him sigh and as he was just about to say something.


The door was kicked in and in comes three big scary looking pirates. Your whole body tenses with fear, you are not a fighter and definitely can't protect yourself if they try anything.

You try to make yourself as small as possible so they won't see you, but it's in vain.

The three men sit at a table in the middle of the room, pushing all the others out of the way. Then two more walk in and they both spot you.

The strange swordsman sits and drinks his sake, seeming to not be bothered by the men.

The two men come and sit on either side of you "Hey baby, wanna come drink with us?"

"Actually I was just leaving" nervousness clear in your voice. You try to get up to leave, but one of the men grips your arm hard and jerks you back down.

"Now I'm not asking, I'm telling you that your gonna join us, and if your good" he runs his finger down your face then neck and grabs your breast "Then I'll give you a special treat"

Oh God no...this isn't happening

You try hard to hold back the tears as your heart races in fear. You glance at the greenette once more as your being dragged to the table and mouth a help me to him.

He gulps down the rest of his drink and stands up. What you would assume to be the Captain glares at the swordsman "Got a problem asshole?"

"Ya your presence is ruining my drink"

The man stands and pulls out his sword "Then I'll end you here so you won't have to be in my presence any longer."

You didn't even see the other man pull his sword out, but the Captain is down on the ground screaming in pain.

The greenette smirks and draws all three swords.

What the hell is he gonna do with the third one???

He then places the third one in his mouth. Wow that's kinda hot. You shake the thoughts from your head as the pirates attack.

He takes every man down with such speed and percision. Your jaw drops in awe of this strange man.

When all the men are down and out he removes the sword from his mouth and sheaths all three swords.

He looks at you "Are you okay"

Oh God his voice is just as sexy as he his.

"Y-Ya I'm fine, thank you"

He doesn't say anything else as he walks out of the bar. You run after him. "Wait"

He doesn't stop, so you just keep following him. "Hey can you show me how to use a sword?" Your question makes him stop.


"I have always want to learn, but there's no one here that uses one. I need to be able to defend myself should this ever happen again, please"

He stands there staring at you for a while before speaking "It won't be easy you know"

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