We Meet Again

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You slipped onto the first merchant ship you saw and you left your home behind in search of a better life.

Ever since Zoro left you had the hardest time sleeping. It just didn't fell the same with out his warm half naked body next to yours.

You had never shared your bed with anyone before, but now you just wanted to be back in that bed in his strong arms once more. A few tears slip out as you go through all the memories of your time with the greenette. You sigh "I doubt I'll ever see him again". You had no idea how wrong you would be.

You jump from island to island capturing any low level criminals as you could.

As you got better you started taking bigger bountys and eventually decided that you were only going to go after Pirates.

You were looking through your new pile of wanted posters one day and stopped on a picture of a raven haired boy with a Straw Hat.

"Hehehe" you snicker "This should be an easy payday."

You spend the next three days using your connections and gathering information about this Monkey D Luffy.

You hear that he is close to Loguetown
And you get excited. You find a ship that is headed there. You know if he wants to go to the Grand Line then he will stop there first.

Once you arrive in town you walk around and flash the wanted poster to see if anyone has seen the Straw Hat Pirate. Unlucky for you no one has.

You walk through town till you come to the town square where the execution platform is. "What the fuck why is someone up there" you ask yourself.

With the huge crowd in front of you, you don't see that Zoro is there fighting in the middle of it all.

You see the Straw Hat boy locked down and a clown looking man standing above him. You hear the ravenette shout "I'm the man who'll be King of the Pirates!"

Your jaw hits the floor in shock. You didn't even hear what he said after that.

He was just about to have his head chopped off when a huge bolt of lighting struck the platform and set it on fire causing it to collapse.

Luffy walked from the rubble like nothing happened. Too stunned to move you watch as Luffy makes his escape with Captain Smoker hot on his trail.

Damn that Smoky bastard he's my prey

You follow him through town and watch as the two have a confrontation.

Smoker has Luffy down and is about to put an end to the fight when some mysterious man interferes and stops Smoker in his tracks.

All the sudden a huge burst of wind throws you down the street and away from all three men.

When the sky calms and you stand you realize that the Straw Hat boy is gone.

"DAMNIT" you shout to yourself.

You don't want to give this bounty up. For some reason you feel that you have to get this bounty.

You run into Captain Smoker again and talk your way onto his ship since he is headed to the Grand Line and he is after Luffy as well.

I'm gonna get him first Smokey

After you reach the first island on the Grand Line you part ways from the Marines. You stay in that island for 2 days before hopping on a merchant ship and heading to the next island.

It seems that where ever you go the Straw Hat boy is one step ahead of you. "Ughhhh" you shout after missing him for the third time.

When you land on the island of Alabasta you get some promising information that he is there.

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