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You anchor the Sunny and everyone starts to leave the ship.

"I'm gonna go check some things out for tonight" Zoro says kissing your forehead.

"Okay! See you later." You kiss his cheek, earning a light blush on the greenettes face.

Zoro jumps off the ship onto the island.

Ussop- ''Hey! Zoro! Hello!?"

Sanji- "Hello! Zoro-kun!?"

Usopp & Sanji"Where are you going all by yourself?"

Zoro- "For a walk"


Zoro- "LIKE I'D GET LOST! Who'd get lost in an island like this, where it's so easy to find your way? Each of the trees have a number on them right? Even a kid with the worst sence of direction could find his way!"

You try to hold in your giggles as the three man converse.

Usopp- "Oh you already thought that far ahead?"

Sanji- "I didn't think of that! Sorry. Be careful!"

They wave to Zoro

Usopp-"Don't forget to ask for directions!"

Sanji- "Don't believe in yourself!"

Zoro turns around "They are going way overboard. As long as I don't forget the number on this tree! Number 1 right?"

A soap bubble blocks the number 4 and he sees it wrong before continuing his walk.

Usopp, Franky and Sanji stay on the ship, and you decide to go with the rest of the crew to find the coating expert.

Hatchan explained to you that you have to get your ship coated so you can get to Fishman island.

As you walk through the island Hatchan tells you some interesting information about this island.

"The World Nobles that live in Mariajoi at the top of the Red Line come here from time to time. If you see them you must promise not to oppose them. Even if they kill someone right in front of you!"

As your walking along a man with a collar on comes running in begging for help. The collar then explodes and a strange looking person enters the situation. He pulls a gun and shoots the man over and over, killing him.

Hatchan has to hold Luffy back explaining to him that, that is a World Nobel and anyone who lays a finger on them will have to face an Admiral.

Finally after a bit of traveling you reach the bar where the coating expert is said to stay.

You enter and meet Shakky the owner of the bar and friend of Hatchan. She tells you abot Rayleigh the coating expert. She even goes on to tell you about the 11 supernovas.

Shakky tells you that Reyleigh isn't there and they should go look for him. The crew agrees and leaves.

They decide to go to the amusement park and "look" for him. Robin and Nami go off on their own. Camie is so excited she has always wanted to go, but being a mermaid has its drawbacks. Luffy takes her on the Ferris wheel and she is in aww.

Afterwards she waits on a bench while Luffy and the others get ice cream. Unfortunately this is when a man kidnaps her to sell her at the human auction.

Luffy, Hatchan, and Pappug go after the kidnapper, while you, Brook and Chopper wait for Sanji who has called in the Flying Fish Ryders to help round up the crew who are spread out over the island.

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