Chapter 9: Incantation

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Layla's POV

"It's all your fault!" Danielle said with a scowl on her face.

"What did I do?" Stephie said, trying her best to look innocent.

"You kept me up with your Potato! Potato! Potato!" Danielle glared at her.

"I didn't..." Stephie said, her face turning red quickly.

"Oh, stop teasing her already." Kevin said barging in.

We were in the dining room eating lunch the next day after Stephie's Potato! incident.

"Well, it's not my fault I have these huge eyebags under my eyes now, what with Stephie's Potato!" Danielle retorted.

"It's not as if she wanted to sleep talk." Kevin said

While they were bickering back and forth, Stephie turned redder and redder, looking as if she wanted to the ground to open and let her fall into the depths of the earth, so that she wouldn't hear anymore about the Potato! incident.

"Guys!" Joshua said, getting their attention. "Drop it." Then he went back to his book. 

"Oh, all three of you just keep quiet. Danielle, you only want to blame someone for you already there eye bags and please, just buy something from The Face Shop and begone. Kevin, if you really like Stephie, you should have seen that Stephie doesn't like being the centre of attention and if you can, stop talking about it. And Justin, you can't just say something then go back to your book as if nothing has been done. The three of you will drop this subject now." Kelly said forcefully.

Wow... She's a power woman.

"Ok, chop chop, let's go to class." Brandon said, breaking the heavy silence surrounding all of us.

Like a switch that was switched on, we moved and headed to our classes.

I have Chemistry with Kyristie. Urgh. I hate Chemistry. I have always failed Chemistry, that's why I wasn't taking Higher Chemistry.

"Hey, Layla, you're in here?" Kyrsitie said.


"I thought you were in Higher classes?"

"Well, I totally suck in Chemistry, so that's why I'm in this class."

"Kay, want to be lab partners?" 


We sat down as Mr. Hanky (Yes, that's really his name. And he talks really weirdly and sternly and always speaks in third person. So we all have a good laugh about it.)

"Class, stand up." He bowed. "Good morning class."

Well, naturally, we bowed too.

"Good morning, Mr. Hanky" We said and at the back, "Mr. Hanky Panky." someone said really softly. Good to have enhanced werewolf hearing.

"Well, let's get started. Well, Mr. Hanky wants to do some experiments today. So everyone get your things ready. Pass down those notes." He told the two people in front.

It was a good thing to sit in the middle of the class, since he would walk from the front and a big circle to the back, then back to the front. It's a good thing that he doesn't walk in the middle lane, so we were free to talk.

"Layla, did you hear Stephie's Potato! Potato! Potato! last night?"

"Oh, I thought you had slept and didn't hear. I heard it. It was so funny listening to Danielle and Tasha fight. Oh, and today with Kevin."

Kyristie got out the apparatus needed for the experiment.

"Yeah, Danielle can never not get into a fight or argument with other people."

"It's just as well, I think she likes it though."

She shrugged, "maybe."

And Mr. Hanky droned on and on.

"Layla!, could you come to our room at eleven at night later?" Tasha said to me when we passed each other in the hall, without waiting for my reply, she entered a classroom.

Ok... I wondered what was that all about. Seems I'll find out later.

I walked into Tasha's room at exactly eleven o'clock in the evening.

They had switched off all their lights and sat in the middle of the room, a circle of lit candles surrounding them. With my werewolf eyesight, I saw that all the furniture had been pushed to the side, creating a huge space for them to sit in.

 "Layla, sit here." Kyrisite motioned for me to sit beside her on the floor.

"Remember the other time I told you about how we can communicate with each other through our minds. That's because we did an incantation that allowed us to do so." Kyrisite said to me.

"And, we've decided to include you in this mind link, because we are friends now and we trust you." Kelly spoke.

"Yeah, and when we fight, our teamwork will surpass all other and we'll kick butt." Danielle joked.

"Danielle..." Tasha said reprimandly.

We held hands.

"Just repeat after me." Kelly said.

"Joined as we are,"

"Joined as we are,"

"Our hearts as one."

"Our hearts as one."

"We bind our soul together."

"We bind our soul together"

"And out thoughts"

"And our thoughts"

"Open to our sisters."

"Open to our sisters."

"I swear."

"I swear."

{That's it?} I thought to myself.

{Duh, what more do you expect.}

I yelped.

"Layla?" Kyristie asked me.

Another yelp brought out attention to Danielle.

Tasha hit Danielle on her arm as she was rubbing her arm and glaring at Tasha.

"What was that for?"

"You talked to Layla without any warning and scared her."

The rest of the people all looked at Danielle.

"Kay, fine. Sorry, I couldn't resist." She threw her hands up in surrender, and gave me an apolegetic look.

"Urgh." Tasha groaned in despair at Danielle's stupidity.

 "Well, since Danielle had explicitly demostrated how to use the mind link, I guess I don't need to explain it further then." Kelly said wryly

"Yeah, I get it." Oh, cool, I finally have a mind link.

They all suddenly turned to me.

"What do you mean, finally? Weren't you in a pack before this, shouldn't you be included in the mind link as well?" Kelly said.

"Well, the soon-to-be Alpha kinda blocked me. He said he didn't want to include me."

"This son-of-a-BIT..." Danielle started.

"Shut up Danielle, now is not the time to curse." Tasha said.

"Well now, you have us. We will NEVER leave you out of anything." Kyristie said firmly.

They all started clambering on me, trying to give me a group hug. I had to unwind myself from the tangle.

We switched on all the lights and decided to have a midnight feast as a celebration.

While half-way through munching on chips and drinking coke, Danielle said, "Can I curse now?"

Without a word, we grabbed the pillow nearest to us and threw it at her.

Let's just say her weapons that she had in her jacket was sticking out and poke through many pillows, while she tried to fend off our attacks and the room became a goose farm.

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