Chapter 19: The Mark (Part 1)

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Layla's POV

"Look at you two! You two look so cute together." I pointed to Kyristie and Riven while saying this.

We were in the common room, chit chating away when they arrived hand in hand.

Kyristie just stood there grinning away.

"The men are there. Go! Now." Danielle ordered him.

With a kiss on Kyristie's forehead he left and headed in the direction where the guys were.

"Kay, girl, you need to tell us everything." Tasha demanded.

We sat there listening to her story, though she left out all the juicy parts. We squealed everytime Kyristie blushed.

Kyristie looked very happy and I was too for her.

"So when would you do the same with 

Thinking back on how James and I met the first time, it was like in the movies.

Seeing Kyristie like this, made me jealous of her. I know, I was the one who told James that I wasn't ready yet. Somehow I think I am now. 

Walking towards the lunch area after class ended, I was thinking hard about the mate thing, that I didn't notice when James came and hugged me from behind.

"what were you thinking so hard that you didn't notice me?" He pouted.

He was really adorable when he did that.

Frowning, "I'm not adorable." When I cocked my head questioningly, "Mind reader remember."

"Ok, ok, everyone take your seats please." Benny said as he walked in. Two other students trailed behind him carrying boxes that a human would not be able to carry. He pointed to the floor next to the teacher's table for them to place it there.

We went to take our seats, when I realised that James was in the same class though he was one year our senior. So did Riven and Tommy when I looked again.

"As you can see there are seniors here with us in the class. We decided to join general classes together, like Wolf Studies, combat training. 

"Well, let's begin then. Hilary and Jack pass down the books."

"What you will be getting are full accounts and explainations about Artic wolves, pure wolves and normal wolves. You will need to know and understand the differences so that if you were to go out into the world when you graduate, it would be an easier change for you."

I stared at the book that James passed to me. "Artic Wolves. A legend."

Benny droned on as I opened the book. I turned to the section marked Mates.

Mates. All wolves have mates, be it Artic Wolves or normal wolves......

"Layla, let's go, Class ended." James said to me. I saw everyone moving then did I realised that the class had ended.

I followed James to the next class which was combat the whole way thinking about what I had read in the book that Benny gave us.

James's POV

I called Layla many times yet she didn't answer me. I hate having to do this to her. No choice, I had to do this. I cleared my mind of everything else except for her. Then I let my mind took over and 'heard' Layla's voice.

Mates. For normal werewolves, the male wolf would have to mark the female by biting the area where neck met shoulder. This is to signify to other wolves that she is taken, furthermore her scent would change and not appeal to other male wolves anymore.

However, for Artic wolves is different. The male wolf would first have to mark the female by biting at the same spot where neck met shoulder. However, the male must taste blood to confirm that the female is marked. The female also has to mark the male, though not the same way as males, but through the mind, allowing the male to be able to read her mind easily without having to use any power. For this to happen there must be an acceptance from the female to the male. There would be a mark on the male's chest, showing everyone that he is marked and mated.

The clearer the mark is, the stronger the male wolf is. Artic wolves' bonds are different. Once marked it cannot be broken. Since Artic wolves are stronger and have special powers to help them, even if the mate were to die, the other wolf will not die either. All Artic wolves can only be mated to Artic wolves and no human can be mates to Artic wolves.

If the wolf is not the true mate then there cannot be a true mate bond as their wolf do not acknowledge the wolf as their mate. Reckless mating can lead to the wolf spirit leaving the human or the death of the human, case by case, unless saved by their true mate by marking them.

After the true mate bond is established, like normal werewolves there will be a mind link. Because the bond of only Artic wolf to Artic wolf is so special, the mates will feel very bonded and feel everything for their mates. It is almost impossible to build a barrier from the mate in the mind link unless the mate is a very strong mind controller, which is very rare.

Mates? With James.

I could see everything that was going on in her mind now. She wanted me to mate her, but didn't know how to say it to me. I told her that I would wait for her. It must have been after seeing Riven and Kyristie did she make this decision.

 I left her mind alone and called her.

"Layla, let's go. Class ended."

She looked up from her book and nodded. Hooking her hands in mine, we walked to the next class.

After power development class ended, I went to Riven and the other guys. I had came up with a plan and I needed the guys to help me. 

"Hey, what's up, James." Riven said to me. He was still just as playful, guess being mated didn't change that fact.

"I need your help guys."

The guys sat up further. Leaning forward, I told them of my plan.

The day after next, my plan was in action and ready. The guys had told their mates about my plan and they were helping me so I could get Layla alone. I hope this would work, I really want it to be really special for Layla.

Layla's POV

James had been busy with something these few days. I wondered what it was. He had sent me flowers, purple iris, with a note telling me to come to this place today. I wondered what he was up to.

As I walked closer to the designated area, I saw a restuarant. When I told them James's name, the waiter led me to a place. There was a beach at the back of the restuarant, where people could eat there. An aisle was placed there. The isle made of a pink carpet and daisys placed along the aisle.

I walked down the aisle towards the direction that the waiter had pointed me too.

At the end of the aisle, the scene I saw was breathtaking. What I saw was indescribale, it was as if walking into my own fairytale.

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