Chapter 4

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When he awoke in the morning he found that she was not there on the couch, rather the blankets had been folded into a neat pile. On top of them lay a small square of white card with patterned detailing around the edge.

It held the words 'Baker- have returned to Spectrum on urgent business with concerning your reappearance, I will contact you later to discuss moving forward
LB x '

In closer inspection the detailing was not just a pretty border, rather the intertwined letters of L and B.

However what interested Bradley even more was the way that she signed her name.

Time Skip to a few days later when Bradley is staying with Redforts

I arrive at Green Wood House as soon as I can. In all truth I've been off my game in all of Spectrum's morning meetings. It was all I could do not to leg it out the door after the end, butt nobody can suspect anything so I say and answered a series of irrelevant questions from Spectrum 7.

Afterwards I took my exit via a series of tunnels and finally emerged near our bench on Amster Green. I make my way to Redfort's house and find Harper leaving the front door.

'Harper, how is he?' I ask, walking quickly up the steps.

'I'm pleased to seem he seems in top shape, he's kept himself in remarkable good condition in ... where did he say it was?'

'Little mountain side,' I say instantly

'Yes that was it, anyway I'd best be off, someone's bound to have injured them self at some point today,"

Typical Harper, always somewhere to be.

'Harper' I say as she turns to leave
'Do keep an eye on him for me'

She gives me an assuring nod and goes on her way.

I sigh and take a moment to clear my head before I step through the door, I'm careful to check the locks and security systems are in place- I will take no chances.
The decision for Bradley to stay here was not one I made lightly, but eventually it was the compromise we came to.

Had it not been for his memory, he would have stayed with me in an instant, it's his home too after all. However as it is not safe for him to return to Spectrum I cannot raise any suspicion. I have to function as usual and keep all commitments. With the memory recall I don't want Bradley to be alone, so we reached the conclusion of Greenwood House.

His absence is a small price to pay to keep him safe. A small price to pay for the possibility he may remember me.

Marriage is after all my biggest commitment.

Sorry, I am running on 2 hours sleep (I was on an overnight hike)
The next chapter will suck less I promise

K x

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