Chapter 5

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I asked to see LB about the memory restoration in private and I can tell from the way she walks in that she has assumed the worst. Unless you knew her movements you wouldn't have noticed it. Only a slight twitch of her jaw broke through her unwaveringly calm demeanour.

'You asked for me SJ, alone, I'm assuming there's a reason' she says

'Yes' I say
I think about how to phrase this.

'As you know, I'm planning on pushing the treatment as far as I can for Baker. Obviously I can't make any promises but there is a good good chance we may  be able to restore some if not most of his memories'

'I am aware of what you told us 5 minutes ago yes, but what does this have to do with me specifically?' LB asks

'This treatment is based on a central memory, a kind of cornerstone if you will. Princeton liked to call this a pillar of memory. It's basically a baseline from which the different aspects of a person's life stem from. For most people this is a workplace, childhood home etcetera however for agents is often harder and makes complex than that. For as you know you're based all over the world on missions so your memories are scattered.'

LB says 'So what do we need for Baker? How do we find this pillar of memory? I know him better than anyone in the world. I've been on half of those missions with him. Tell me what you need to know and I'll tell you or find the information somehow. Whatever it takes'

'Ah well you've brought me full circle to the point I was going to make. I've been through his file and personal reports basically all the information from everyone who knew him. They all seem to agree on the biggest center of his life... his foundation if you will' I explain

'What?' implores LB softly.

I smile, I believe that in her heart she already knows the answer.

You LB were there with him through all of it as you said working alongside him. You meant everything to him LB' I say softly

For a second she looks as if you might be able to guess what she was thinking. A fleeting second before she asks

'So what do you need me to do?'

Spectrum is undeserving of LB. Her strength, her conviction. They could find no finer leader.

But in that moment I could see that she would throw all of that away in a second for him.

Bradley Baker. The only one with the power to break LB. And more importantly... the only one with the power to bring her back

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