Chapter 11 (Lilly the Explorer)

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I burned off at least 500 calories pacing back and forth in my room. All of the possibilities submerged my mind and I was completely drained. I wanted to know so badly what happened to Mark's sister. The thought both frightened and alluded me. It's been more then five minutes and he's still not there yet.

Alas I couldn't wait any longer and I quickly threw on something and ran downstairs. "Mom can I borrow the car? I need to go to the library for a project?"

"Sure sweetie be back before midnight" she responded. I'm surprised that she's being lenient today, but I had no time to question it, Because I was on a mission today.


Is it creepy? I think it's very creepy!

I'm sitting outside of Lilly's house and I see Jake's car exiting the back gate. What could they possibly be talking about? I warned her not to go anywhere near him.

He's such a bitter person!


My screen lit up and I got a message from Lilly. I wanted to talk to her, to see why she was meeting up with Jake so I hurried up and messaged her back.

As I'm sitting in the car my mind begins to doze off, I'm not sure what's going on with my mind these couple of days. I've been stressed out more than usual and I think I know who's behind it. I'm not sure what it is but I'm really starting to lik—

My phone rings again and disrupts my train of thought. It was a call from an unknown number.


"Hello, I'm calling to inform you that the patient is not reacting too well to the new medication, I believe we're going to have to take drastic measures"



As I'm existing the back gates of my house I spot a very familiar car. I knew it was Marc, but if he was here then why would he not enter?! Does he not want to talk to me? I's not like I care anyways. But regardless, I wanted to get to the bottom of this. I needed to know what happened to his sister.

So I decided to keep my distance behind him, I'm not sure he saw me because this is my mother's car. As I'm waiting I see he still hasn't made a move and then suddenly the engine turned on and he was gone like those animals in the cartoons. I began to follow him.

He was turning left and right and switching lanes so often that I eventually lost him. I wonder why he was in such a rush. This has just been one whole weird day.

As I'm signaling to get make a left turn all I felt was my body jolt up and hit the ceilling of the roof. A truck hit the middle of the car head first.... my eyes began to shut, my heart rate slowed, and I was suddenly engulfed in coldness....all of the sun rays disappeared and darkness became my only companion.



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⏰ Última atualização: Nov 16, 2017 ⏰

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