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Alec uses his key to let himself, Jace, Isabelle, and Clary into the loft. Before announcing his presence, he hears Magnus laughing on the balcony with someone beside him. They get closer and see the young male pushing Magnus away while wheezing with laughter.

"Ayah! I love you but holy shit stop! I'm gonna piss myself!" The unknown man laughs harder and bends in half. Magnus laughs and starts to play with the man's hair a bit. "I enjoy your laugh allow me to indulge!" The stranger stands up and tackles Magnus slightly, beginning to tickle him. "No-hohoho! Jasper enough!" Magnus falls to the floor and sees the shadowhunters watching him. He smiles and pushes the man, known as Jasper, off of him. He stands up and brushes off his clothes.

"Ah Alexander, you are home early. Come, I want to introduce you all to Jasper." Alec looks a bit jealous, Jace and Isabelle both have looks of pure confusion, and Clary looks like she's figuring something out. She snaps once and looks at the two men.

"Is Jasper your son? It's the way you two act, it's like me and my mom or even me with Luke. Plus you two look alike." Isabelle turns to her and sighs. "Babe, warlocks are sterile. He can't be Magnus's kid." Jasper breaks out into a toothy grin and looks at Magnus. "Told you it was obvious. The little redhead is right. Magnus is my dad, or Ayah as I call him, and i was created in a bit of a strange way. A greater demon took a Persian woman that father was enamored with and impregnated her, using abilities that I don't understand to make me possible and make me only my father's. Mama died and dad raised me." He turns to Alec. "So no need to be jealous of us being together since I'm in a happy poly relationship with two other men and am not into my less attractive than me Dad." Magnus slaps his arm, causing everyone to laugh. Alec relaxes and tries not to be embarrassed.

Jasper's phone goes off and he groans. "I have to head out, both brothers are wanting me home." Magnus rolls his eyes. "Bring Stefan some time. Leave Damon at home." "Dad I can't ditch one of my husbands. Maybe try getting along with Damon? We've been married since the 1880's, Ayah. Give Damon a chance." Magnus sighs. "I will try." "And no more poisoning him with vervain! You nearly killed him!" Magnus can see the anger returning in Jasper's eyes. The younger warlock feels a hand on his shoulder and meets Jace's eyes. He sighs, anger leaving his body. "Thank you. How about you five and anyone else you may want to invite join us in our home soon? We can all have dinner." Alec nods.

"I think that would be fun." Isabelle smiles. "I can invite Raphael and Jace can invite his lover I mean Simon." The blond messes up her hair and she gasps dramatically. Clary fixes her hair and kisses her cheek. Alec smiles. "There may be a total of nine of us or so." "We have the room. Let me know when and I'll send a portal over, we live somewhere way out of walking distance." Clary tilts her head to the side. "Where?" "Virginia. Little town called Mystic Falls." She nods in understanding. Jasper hugs his father and portals out, leaving Magnus to inform the others.

Jasper enters his living room and is immediately greeted by a shirtless Damon drinking whiskey and a fully clothed Stefan reading a novel. Jasper shakes his head and kisses Stefan first, given that he was closer and noticed him first. Damon grins and slaps Jasper's ass playfully as he kisses him. Stefan rolls his eyes before smiling at his shared husband. "Where have you been?" "Visiting my dad." Damon groans dramatically and finishes his liquor. "How much shit did he talk about me?" "None. He was respectful and I invited him, his boyfriend, and their friends for dinner sometime soon. So you need to behave, Damon." The Vampire looks at the warlock. "What about Stefan?" "I know he will." Stefan smiles and kisses Jasper's cheek gently.

"Need help with dinner, Jas? I know it's your turn but you're not sleeping again." Damon sits up all the way and looks at Jasper in concern. "That true?" Jasper nods. "I'm having nightmares again..." Damon holds his left hand, that's the one that has the wedding ring Damon gave him. He kisses it and strokes the back with his thumb. "Why don't you go rest and Stefan and I can cook tonight? You need it." Jasper nods and yawns. "Feels pretty early though." "It's four in the afternoon, nap for an hour or something." Jasper nods again and decides to just pass out on the couch, having both husbands by his side as he rests. Damon keeps his head in his lap as Stefan lays a blanket over him. The younger Salvatore kisses his forehead before retrieving blood for himself and his older brother.

Alec hears a notification go off from Magnus's phone and looks. He walks to his boyfriend and shows him that he got a text from Stefan.

Good Son In Law: Jasper is having nightmares again, got anything? I hate that he's losing sleep.

Mr Bane: I may have something. I shall bring it to dinner tomorrow. Jasper told you I assume?

Good Son In Law: Yes he did. Thank you and we cannot wait to have you and everyone else come over tomorrow :)

Mr Bane: We cannot wait either. Have a great evening, Stefan.

Good Son In Law: Thank you, sir.

Just as Magnus puts his phone down, it goes off again.

Irritating Pest: Hey quick thing. Don't bring any food tomorrow let us cook everything. Don't wanna get killed again, ya know?

Douche In Law: Was not planning on it, Damon. Let that go already it has been quite a long time.

Irritating Pest: It happened at least five times, Magnus. I won't. I promised Jass that I would get along with you, but I don't trust you. Why don't you change that?

Damon put his phone on the table and Magnus groans, putting his phone in a drawer.

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