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Magnus is fixing his makeup again, making Alec laugh. "Mags, you look amazing. Let's go I'm sure everyone is waiting on you." Magnus chuckles softly and meets everyone in the living room. Luke, Maia, Raphael, Simon, Jace, Isabelle, and Clary are all sitting in the room, dressed nicely. Magnus texts Jasper and writhing seconds, a portal appears. Everyone enters and finds themselves in front of a large and old looking house.

Stefan and Jasper are currently working on the food as Damon sets the table for ten, knowing that two of the twelve will not be eating. He hears a knock on the door and goes to his brother and husband in the kitchen. "Stef why don't you get it? I'll finish up with Jass." Stefan nods in agreement and heads towards the front door. He fixes his button-up and runs his fingers through his hair one last time before opening the door, making sure he looks as presentable as possible.

"Welcome everyone. Sir it's great to see you again." "Stefan Salvatore." Both men share a hug before Stefan addresses the others. "As he had said, my name is Stefan Salvatore. I am married to Mr. Bane's son and my older brother is as well. Welcome to the Salvatore Boarding House, as this building is called." Magnus smiles at how polite he is. "How many times do I need to tell you to call me Magnus?" "Sorry, habit." Stefan gives a shy grin before gesturing for everyone to join him inside. Magnus hands him a bottle and Stefan looks at it in confusion before realization hits him. He nods in appreciation before going to put it in the bedroom for Jasper.

Damon walks out and sees everyone. He gives a polite smile but refuses to look at Magnus. "I'm Damon Salvatore, Stefan's older brother and Jasper's hotter husband. In case you don't already know, my brother and I are vampires who were turned in this town back in 1864." Simon grins, showing his fangs. Damon nods in approval and pats him on the shoulder. "So you're not eating and one other person isn't. Myself and my brother are a sort of different breed of vampire you could say. We're eating normal food and I'm probably drinking my weight in whiskey as well but we were informed that you and someone else could not." Simon nods. "Me and Raphael can't." Damon nods. "I'll make a note of that." Everyone goes through introductions like they did with Stefan before sitting in the living room, Damon returning to the kitchen to aid Jasper. Everyone takes notice to how Magnus and Damon don't interact at all, but Raphael is the one to vocalize it.

"You two will have to get along one day." Magnus sighs. "We will. He said he has zero trust in me so I have to make an effort it seems." Alec kisses Magnus's head and Jasper comes out of the kitchen laughing a bit. He turns his head back towards where he exited and yells back "Damon you ass!" before making his way over to his father. "Hey Ayah." Magnus hugs him and smiles. Jasper turns to face everyone else and smiles.

"For those of you who don't know me, I'm Jasper Salvatore. I'm Magnus's son and husband to both Salvatore brothers. Hopefully no one here is too picky when it comes to food because there are very few things we all actually know how to cook." There's a collective laugh among everyone. Jasper greets everyone individually before gesturing towards the table, where both brothers are setting things up.

"Sit wherever you choose we're not picky on sitting arrangements." Everyone takes their seats, leaving three spots at the end of the table for their hosts. Clary looks around and sees a very large and old painting of a sunset on a nearby wall. "Oh wow that is beautiful! Do you know who painted that?" Jasper blushes. "I, uh, actually painted that during a vacation we took in Greece." Luke smiles. "It's incredible. You have quite a talent." Jasper hides his face into Damon's neck and both vampires laugh.

After dinner, everyone hangs out in the living room. Alec notices how much Damon and Magnus are attempting to avoid each other and locks eyes with Jasper, who nods. "So Ayah, any interesting clients?" Jasper is cuddling Damon so that means that Magnus would have to look at him. Magnus only looks at Jasper and Damon looks in a different direction. "Actually business has been a bit slow lately, though I am positive that we discussed this yesterday. Speaking of yesterday, why didn't you personally tell me that your nightmares are back and I needed Stefan to contact me for help?" Jasper stiffens and Damon glares at Magnus. "I think that was uncalled for and something you could've discussed with Jasper in private. And it's not as if he has to tell you everything anyways." Magnus scowls at Damon.

"Do not speak to me that way." "Why should I respect you in any way when it's obvious that you don't respect me? Need I remind you that you have poisoned me at least five fucking times?!" Jasper looks pissed. "Five times?! I thought it was only that one time!" Magnus groans. "I can explai-" "Don't." Stefan's voice startled everyone, he sounds furious. Jasper can see the veins pulse through Stefan's face for a second and rushes to his side.

"Stef, babe, breathe." "He poisoned my brother and disrespected you..." Jasper kisses his cheek and hugs him. "Control it, Stefan. Dam-" Damon is already beside them and cuts Jasper's wrist a bit. Stefan smells it and his face changes. Veins are visibly pulsing on his cheekbones, the whites of his eyes turn a deep red, and his irises are impossible to distinguish. Stefan's fangs are visible as he growls a bit. He latches onto Jasper's wrist within seconds, the warlock letting his magic flow into Stefan. The vampire's face returns to normal and he unlatches, kissing Jasper's wrist before he passes out.

"Damon take him upstairs." The older vampire nods and kisses the blood off of Jasper's wrist before rushing his unconscious brother upstairs. Jasper heals it and sighs. "Maybe you guys should leave for the night. We can try another time." "Jas-" "Dad I mean it. I had to magically knock him out cold in order for you not to get hurt. And he hates when he has to drink my blood since he knows it hurts me. Just go." Jasper heads upstairs and doesn't turn to look at anyone. Magnus creates a portal and everyone heads back to New York, Alec not really talking to magnus the rest of the night.

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