Ch. 17

982 22 8

Time Skip 1 week

*Emma's P.O.V*

Today is the day that I am moving to L.A with Shane, I'm going to have to say goodbye to me old life (which shouldn't be too hard), my dad, and most importantly my mom...

I was gonna go with Shane back to my house and pack everything that I needed, the movers got my furniture and most of my clothing and left two days ago. They should be arriving at Shane's moms house.

"You ready to go babe?" Shane asked


Shane checked out of the hotel he was staying at and got into the car. We were going to get the rest of my things and say goodbye.

After we got my stuff in the car and packed up I had to say goodbye to my dad.

"I guess that's it." I said

"Hold on for a minute." He walked to his bedroom and after a minute he walked back out with a box in his hand.

"Your mother wanted you to have this when you moved out and went to college before she passed."

I opened it up and it was the most beautiful necklace I have ever seen! It had a blue flower with diamonds surrounding it and it my name engraved on the back.

"Oh my god it's so pretty." I said tearing up.

I got up and hugged him. "I'm really going to miss you dad." I said crying into his shoulder

"Me too Em, I remember when you were in 6th grade and you were playing in that outfield, and the next thing you know you get a scholar ship to play in college. I am truly proud of you honey. I love you so much."

"I love you too daddy."

We exchanged our last hugs for awhile and got in the car.

"Shane when we get to the cemetery will you stay in the car for me?"

"Sure, just if you need me holler at me."

I nodded and kept driving. We eventually got to the cemetery and I got out and walked over to my moms grave and sat in the grass.

"Hi momma, it's me again, uhm I'm going to college. Got a scholar ship playing softball and gonna be going to UCLA, that means I have to move to L.A. I know you would be proud of me, I'm coming here to say goodbye for a while. I'm really gonna miss Colorado, I wish you didn't die. I really miss you and I know I haven't visited you since dad went crazy." I said as a tear rolling down my face. I took a deep breath and kept talking

"I met a guy, he stopped me from taking my life. Now we're dating. I don't think it's official yet though bI really wish you were here to see how wonderful my life has been the past week and a half. I just know something bad is gonna happen. It's like I'm finally I'm happy them all of a sudden the world is like lol let me change that. I guess this is good bye for now. I really want you to know how much I love you."

I wiped my face and walked back to the car.

"You ready to go?" I asked

"Yeah, you okay?"


The rest of the car ride was silent we then got to the airport.


LOOK WHO IS ALIVE!! It's been twelve and a half billion years! I've just been really busy! I hope you like this chapter! I actually started to tear up while writing it. Ily Read, vote, and comment.


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