Hints of a Future Yet Born

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With Robin on board, the travelers entered the eastern forest, their next destination Ylisstol, the capital of Ylisse. Robin didn't think it was all that clever a name, but who was he to judge? Unfortunately, the attack on Southtown delayed them so that the sun began to set bare hours into the journey.

"Geez," Lissa complained, "I still think we should have stayed in Southtown for tonight. Especially since we have to camp in these creepy woods."

Lissa sighed again and immediately began to splutter and choke as a bug flew into her mouth. "Ugh, I thinkp I sthwallowed a fly!"

Chrom smirked. "Now, now, Lissa I thought you said that you'd be getting used to this. Or were you just spewing hot air?"

Frederick, not wanting to sit through the impending banter, spurred his horse further down the path. Lissa, for her part, just wanted to argue.

"No, I am getting used to this! I just thought we could reach Ylisstol faster if we rested, maybe even got horses from the village."

Chrom hadn't expected something well-reasoned, but he fired back all the same. "Well, we rarely have the luxury of such things. Besides, all it proves is that you're too delicate to rough it."

Lissa took umbrage and began to rant at Chrom. Robin chose to ignore them. Instead, alone to his thoughts, he took in his surroundings.

I seem to have a theme with what I can remember. I know how to fight, how to use magic, and I'm adept at tactics of all things. And now, it seems I know what to look for when trying to make camp.

His search was cut short when Frederick, ever dutiful, returned to announce he'd found a campsite.

Conversation ceased as they followed the knight and began clearing the area. The silence was short lived though, soon Lissa was groaning about rocks and Frederick decided to make an announcement, as if he couldn't just speak normally to his three companions.

"I fear we're short on rations. We have enough water to make the capital, but foraging and hunting will be required this night."

Chrom sighed, that was just great. "Well, the only one of us with a horse is you Frederick. Lissa and I will go forage."

Lissa groaned once more. "Come on, can't we just let Frederick do his job?"

Chrom smirked at her. "Why? Do you want to be the spoiled girl resting while good people work?"

Lissa erupted once more, Robin chuckling at the sight. If their band is half this entertaining, I'll never be bored.

Then his mind went back to its thoughts, his actions automatic.

I wonder, though. I'm obviously trained in battle, but, who trained me? Do I have comrades, friends looking for me? Do I have a family waiting for me?

The imaginings hollowed his mood, but any imaginings did nothing for his memory. Trying to imagine friends and family did nothing but make him focus on his lack of memory. A crunch brought him back from the prison of his musings.

He was alone now, his companions off in the forest. A dry twig had been the source of the sound, but its color drew his eye. It was darker than the surrounding wood, chestnut hued if his fractured memory was right, and he picked it up.

What's this doing here? I asked Chrom if anything interesting grew around here beside oaks, but this isn't oak.

He pulled it in for a closer look when a sharp, spicy scent invaded his nose. A barrage of images bombarded his mind. They flew too fast for him to make out but for the briefest glimpse. A house, a ravine, a river at night, heart-pounding contortions he didn't dare try to name, and a ridge. As the images flashed, brief sounds, snippets of conversation, and names, accompanied them.

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