April -Senior Meeting

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April- Senior Meeting

I sat in my AP Calculus class rolling my pencil across my desk completely bored out of my mind. I was good at math, but I hated it more than anything.

The voice of one of the office’s personnel carried over the loud speaker, something all of us had grown used to over the last four years. “Would all seniors report to the Auditorium for a class meeting.” It wasn’t a question. It was a much appreciated order. Since our Calculus class was only seniors, we all threw up our assignments and graph paper and paraded out of the classroom for good measure. Even Mr. Turner, our teacher, looked slightly relieved to get a break from teaching.

“What do you think the meeting’s about?” Bridget asked.

I shrugged. “You never really know…unless a teacher tells you.”

“It’s about prom and graduation.” Said an unidentified voice.

 Bridget and I turned around to find our class know-it-all, Blaine Springer walking behind us.

“Okay eavesdropper, we weren’t really asking, but thanks I guess.” I said, giving Bridget an annoyed look.

Apparently, I had been too subtle, because Blaine took that as an invitation to walk with us, and we were forced to make awkward small talk until we reached the auditorium.

Bridget and I hurried to some seats dead center in the room with just one open seat to my right. We kept our heads down hoping that Blaine wouldn’t spot us.

I heard someone slide into the seat next to me, and just before I was about to straight out tell Blaine to find another spot, I realized it was none other than Jake Brooks.

“Hey, Jake. We’ve got a spot over here!” His friends called.

Jake waved his hand to signal that he was fine where he was. Bridget raised an eyebrow as if I had something to do with this. I just shrugged back.

“What the hell? He’s choosing the geek over us?” One of the guys pointed out rather loudly.

“Don’t worry.” Jake whispered.”They’re just jealous.”

“Hmm. Is that what it is?” I countered.

“I guess you’ll have to trust me on this one, won’t you?”

I let out a short laugh. “Tempting, but no thanks.”

“Why not?” He began to protest.

“You know why. Now shush.” I said cutting him off. I looked at Bridget who had the biggest grin on her face. I rolled my eyes as I elbowed her in the side. I pulled out a pen and a pad of paper from my pocket and began taking notes of important dates and deadlines as our principal went over them.

“What’s that?” Jake asked pointing to the list I was making.

“I’m taking notes. I’m on prom committee, idiot.” I explained.

Jake leaned in closer, gave me the sweetest and most innocent look he could manage, and whispered, “Can you make me a copy of that?”

I leaned in closer yet and tried to make my face look as innocent as his, and said, “Uh…” I paused for dramatic effect, “…no.”

Jake didn’t seem to care as if he thought it was going to be a lost cause to begin with. However, when I happened to glance back to where his friends were sitting, they were all staring at us.

Let’s just say I avoided talking to, looking at, or even thinking about Jake for the rest of the meeting.

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