Early May- Prom Preparations

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Early May- Prom Preparations 

“Hey Sophie.”

I turned around expecting to see my friend, Carlos. Instead, it was Jake.

“Hey,” I said walking away from my locker quickly, intent on making it look like I was going to be late to class. Unfortunately, his legs were longer than mine, so he fell into stride with me quite easily.

“So, what are your plans for Prom, Soph?”

He was calling me by my nickname now?

“Probably a lot less chaotic than yours.” I answered.

He rolled his eyes. “No, I mean like, who are you going with?”

“Carlos Vasquez.”

“The soccer jock?” he clarified.

“The varsity soccer jock,” I corrected.

Jake’s eyes almost popped out of their sockets. “What?” I demanded.

“It’s just…you two are complete opposites!”

“Yeah? How so?”

“He’s athletic, loud, funny….” Jake began.

“Hey! I’m funny!” I interrupted.

“I wouldn’t know, because you never talk to me.”

I narrowed my eyes. “Touché.”

“He’s also got a less impressive vocabulary than you,” Jake added.

“Was that a compliment?” I asked, surprised.

“Sure. Why not?” He said turning to go to his own class after we had reached mine.

“Thanks, then. And Jake?” He turned back to me. “Carlos and I are best friends after all. Someone had to get the brains, and the other had to get the brawn.”

The bell rang as I stood inside the safety of the Chemistry Lab, while Jake stood just outside the doorway.

“Whoops. Looks like I’m late today.” He gave me a wink, spun around on his heel, and strolled toward his class.

I assumed the butterflies in my stomach were just my nerves acting up about the huge test I was about to take.

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