Late May- Prom

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Weird experience #4—Prom

Prom wasn’t just one crazy, fun-filled night. It was the crazy, fun-filled night. Now, I won’t go into the specifics, because most know what prom is all about, but what happened to me that night, doesn’t usually happen at your generic high school prom.

Not long into the evening, Carlos had raided the refreshments table, and was now on one of his famous sugar highs. He was twirling me around for what I thought was the 40th time in the last few minutes and I was beginning to feel nauseous.

Just when I was about to tell him to stop spinning me, a slow song came on and he tried to control his abundance of energy so he could keep somewhat still. However, even I couldn’t have seen what was coming next.

Before I could warn Carlos, Jake tapped on his shoulder and said to him, “Could I steal your date for a song or two? I’m sure Courtney wouldn’t mind dancing with someone other than me for a while.”

Of course Jake was here with Courtney. They were practically meant for each other. But what did I care? Six months ago, I could’ve cared less about the life of Courtney Scott, but now I couldn’t help but want to smack that coy smile right off her face.

“Umm. Sure.” Carlos answered clearly dumbfounded. “I mean, if it’s alright with the ladies, of course.”

Jake’s eyes focused on me as Carlos silently pleaded behind him with hand signals and mouthing words, begging me to say yes. He had never admitted it, but there was no doubt in my mind that he had liked Courtney since Freshmen year.

“Well, I…sure. Why not?” I finally answered.           

“Thank you!” Carlos mouthed excitedly from behind Jake before sprinting over to Courtney and holding his hand out to her with a flourish. Courtney threw her head back and laughed showing her perfectly straight pearly whites.

            “Oh my god. I think you’re turning green.”

            “My dress is green, you idiot.” I snapped back.

            “I meant green with jealousy.” He explained. “You were scowling.”

            I rolled my eyes. “I’m surprised that you know what that means.”

            He shrugged. “My older brother is a genius like you. He’s taught me a thing or two over the years.”

            “I’m not a genius.”

            “Damn close.”

            “You are so annoying.” I complained.

            He flashed a smile. “Thanks, I try.”

            I heaved a sigh and let my eyes wander back to Carlos and Courtney. Jake and I had drifted to the edge of the dance floor, content with people watching for a while. “At least our dates are having fun.”

            Jake turned his head to look for himself. “Yeah, and you’re not?” He asked quizzically.

“Well, of course I’m having fun. I’m here with Carlos.” I explained.

“But now you’re with me, so you should be having a blast. I bet you’re barely containing your emotions right now.” He bragged.

I gave him an unamused look. “Clearly.”

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2014 ⏰

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