Chapter 4

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General P.O.V
And the car braked... Valley groaned in her seat, her hands moving swiftly towards her abdomen. There protruding from just above her navel was a pole. Her face showed the pain Was excruciating, pulsating. Then the Bentley had a strong sense of spreading warmth. It was blood,and it was covering Valkyrie. Shock rapidly kicked in and fortunately for Valkyrie the pain only lasted seconds as she grimaced and slipped out of consciousness and was surrendering to the black nothingness.

Skulduggery's P.O.V
I was driving my darling Bentley, the rain was pouring but that's nothing new down here, however at that moment I saw something. Something hurdling it's way towards my windscreen. I slammed my foot onto my brake. Then I heard the shattering of glass and a scream.
I spun my head to Valkyrie. She was holding and clutching at the object sticking out of her. Her hands were stained red with blood. The blood was oozing out of her and was quickly soaking her. The warm red liquid was rapidly draining the life force out of her.
'Valkyrie.. Val... Oh jeez...Oh no Val...Stay with me Val, please please stay with me... Keep your eyes open... Don't sleep!'
Panic sunk into me like an anchor being dropped into the sea. Adrenaline. That wields human hormone seemed to take over me... Wait did I still have hormones then?! I was out my my car and was gently maneuvering Valkyrie into my arms before I knew what I was doing. And then there I went flying through the sky. To see Dr Nye.

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