🌙O N E🌙

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The dreary day has already grown long, and it was only second period, my teacher speaks to the air above the class and my eyes grew heavy from my previous sleepless night that i spent with my bestfriend , she stays with me on those kinds of nights, sneaking in at 12 am while my mom is asleep and staying till morning to walk me to school.
The room soon goes dead when the heavy door clicks with the turn of the handle . Pulling me out of last nights flashbacks when heads turn to meet the unfamiliar face of a boy and chatter spitters across the room in a wave. He stands in the doorway, with a nervous huff leaving his mouth.

"Well hello!" Mrs.warner beams at him, profoundly pleased with his arrival.
"Okay class, this is our new student." She says, smile still glowing as he stands beside her, backpack in hand as he uses his other to scratch the back of his neck nervously.
"What's his name!" Gabriella yells demandingly at the front of the room, always wanting to know everything about everyone, not in a good way.

"This is Grayson." Mrs.warner says gleefully , and he gives a small wave. Then she points him to a seat one row over from mine and he makes his way with his head to the floor , cheeks a light rose.

"Looks like Westpoint finally got a decent one." The girl behind me points to Grayson , and he turns even darker red while the teacher began talking about 1812 .  I look at Grayson to see what the girl was talking about.

He had tan skin , that lightly glowed in the yellow light of my history class and a sharp jaw line that fit him perfectly. He carried curly light brown hair atop his head and it hung over the top of his ears and across his forehead messily . His nose came to a proud point and a light pattern of pink covered his cheeks. Finally his forearms sat on his desk , hands together as the veins on his arms sat on his muscles, he was simply gorgeous.
It's then when I realize I'm staring , and the bell rings , making me jump in my seat.

I exit 2 period with a smile on my face, and my head flooded with thoughts. Everyone already talking about "the new kid" in the halls. It was the most interesting thing that had happened in Westpoint in a long time , nothing ever happens in small town California, and the mystery boy with the curly locks was with towns only hope for something new.
Making my way to geometry I continue through the crowded halls, and snapped out of my thoughts by someone coming up beside me and grabbing my hand. I giggle without looking as the person swings our arms wildly back and forth in his normal childish manner. I turn my head to meet the freckled boy to my left .

"Goodmorning Cheyenne McKenna" he sends a smile my way , too happy for a Monday.

"Well goodmorning to you too Short" I roll my eyes, at his ironic last name owned by the 6 foot tall boy on my right.
By now we had reached Geometry, a class full of sophomores and juniors who had failed it the year before. Me and Asher where the only freshman in the class, skipping a grade of math in middle school wasn't the greatest idea.

The bell rings when I take my seat and a familiar boy walks after me, and taking the only available seat next to me , with Asher to the left me .

"Is this mrs.Ormans class." Grayson asks quietly , a nervous look on his face .

"So you talk ?" I tease, trying to ease him. And he flashes a small smile onto his face. "Yes, this is mrs.Ormans"

"Ms.Black?" The teacher calls for attendance.

"Here!" I anwser

"Black?" Grayson asks

"Yep , Cheyenne Black" I reply, happy he asked my name.

"Mr.Zoke?" Mrs.Orman calls in a questioning tone.

"It's Zook ma'am" Grayson corrects shyly .

"Zook?" I mock

"Grayson Zook"' he says contently , like he is scared "it's odd , i know."

"Odd?" Asher interrupts . "The names Asher , Asher Short." He says and Wyatt hides a laugh by puffing air from his nose.

"I guess you have me beat Short." Grayson smiles, and I notice he has a dimple , but it's on the far right side of his cheek, unique.

Grayson Zook is the most interesting thing that has happened to  Westpoint in years, and I'm starting to think he is the most interesting thing that has happened to me as well.

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