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Lunch arose faster then expected, maybe because I wasn't focused on the clock. But on Grayson. We had 4 Classes together , Second, Third, Sixth, and seventh. But that's all I knew.

Grayson was, quiet. I know it's his first day , but this is a different quiet , a secret quiet, one that looms impatiently much like the town itself.

As I make my way to the cafeteria, the halls scattered with rumors and hopes that the day ends soon, Asher and Grayson nowhere in sight, someone comes up behind me, grabbing my extra paper bag I brought to lunch.

"Well hello hun." I smile. Kim's face beams a tired smirk at the nickname and gives me a small side hug as she continues to sit that the usual round table in the corner of the cafeteria and digs through the bag she took. She pulls out a peanut butter sandwich, some chips , a apple and a petite plastic container of Cheerios . The usuals.

"Thanks Chey." I smile in return, her knowing she didn't need to thank me , this was the daily drill. I would pack her lunch everyday and bring it to school for her.

Kimberly Webb was my bestfriend, the one I laid with on sleepless nights, the one who was their when I️ didn't have a mom to talk too , Her and Asher  where my family since mine was never around.
Let's fill you in.
My dad works as directing producer of Wake up SanFrancisco, so he spends most of his time in the city , a 4 hour drive there and back to my small town and he was never home .
That's why my parents split.
My mom works as a defense attorney and often leaves town for work. And finally, my older brother Jackson was lucky enough to move out at the age of 18 and run off to Los angels, away from the chaos of this excluded place.
That leaves me . Fourteen year old Cheyenne Black , the girl who sticks from her family. My mom a local badass lawyer , my dad a big time producer, and my brother, who ruled Westpoint high with an iron fist during his four years as a student. Then there is me, the girl who practically lives on her own , I'm not popular like Jackson, not a powerful business woman or a stand tall, just a simple brown haired girl who spends most of her time in her head, writing words in the dust that has collected atop the stacks of memories inside her brain.

Asher came to the table soon enough, Grayson tracing behind him, both holding trays that carried the overly expensive trash that Westpoint High calls food.

"Hello ladies." Asher grins, sitting beside Kim at the table while Grayson takes the last seat next to me.

"Hello Ash tray ." Kim replies with a ruffle of the boys curly hair. "And this must be the boy everyone is talking about." Kim eyes me , referring to Grayson.

"Yep, that's me." He says, face to his lap, and his cheeks tint red.

The day went on as usual, the regularly scheduled chaos in the hall, detention room full by 6th period and finally , me walking to 7th hour with Kim, the only class we have together, Mr.bowmans science class.

The hour went smoothly, Grayson was pulled for a talk with the school councilor , normal procedure for freshmeat at this school. Kim leans to me after he leaves.

"So the bad boy has an eye for you ." She giggles, nudging my shoulder.

"What do you mean?" Confused at who she was talking about.

"The new guy, he has been giving you major heart eyes all day , and haven't you heard, he's from Chicago, that's where I was born." She states

"Your point ." Still puzzled. Grayson turned red at the drop of a pin, how could he be trouble.

"Word has it that your boy didn't live in the suburbs, he was the local badass, like Jackson," I sigh. Not believing Grayson could be like Jackson, nobody could be like Jackson.

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