Part 2

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Biarpun dorang anak bos tetap juga dorang kerja dari bawah dulu,Verner was excellent in his which is law of business,manakala Viveca dalam jurusan accounting.

Viveca Vuitton

sampai saja dalam office pelan-pelan Veca melabuhkan punggungnya di kerusi.

"Aduh!punya main sakit!".
"kesian ko my butt 😢".

tiba-tiba her dad intercom

"ya?Veca here".
"I need you come to my office now,"Mr.Vuitton
"okay sir,"

kenapa ka di panggil tiba-tiba?

sampai dalan office bapanya,,

"Yes,Mr.Victor,is there any thing that I can do for you?",

"come sit here beside this uncle",Mr.Vuitton.

Veca tertarik dengan lelaki yg duduk membelakangnya.hurmmm who is this old man?one of dad friend kali.

Sambil berjalan kedepan untuk duduk bersebelahan dengan old man tu,Veca silik-silik tu mata tinguk siring   mau tau muka tu lelaki,

belum pun Veca melabuhkan punggungnya ke kerusi trus uncle tu tegur,uncle tu menoleh..

"you must be Viveca,nice to meet you,im Alexander Bish",
Mr.Alexander Bish.sambil ingin shakehand tangan Veca.

"its a pleasure meeting you too sir Alexander😊",Veca menyambut salam Mr.Alexander.

wahh tua-tua pun good looking juga o.

"please just call me uncle or matter fact daddy would be nice😁",Mr.Alexander.


"err pardon me?,"

"nevermind sooner or later you will understand when the time is come dear Veca",Mr.Victor.

aii bingung saya😵.

Victor Vuitton

"so Veca im calling you here cause theres certain things I need you to know,Uncle Alexander will be part of our group now,so that his Wales group just like a family you know?",


"And if got any business thing that need to be settle down between Wales and Victoro,you are incharge of it🙂",

"But dad,isn't it supposed to be Erne job to do it?,I mean I dont know how to deal even with customer,I only know how to do accounting and calculating 😲",Viveca.

"now,now my dear its time for you to learn,meeting client out side of this building,not stuck in the office the whole day",

"if you say so sir,"Viveca.😖

I just want you to be ready Veca,if anything happen to me then you and your brother would be strong enough to run our group.bisik hati Mr.Victor.

"you may go now,"

"o-okay sir",Viveca,berlalu dengan muka yang blur pun ada,terkejut pun ada.


selesai perjumpaan tersebut Viveca kembali ke officenya sambung buat kerja.

Mr.Alexander di pelawa untuk naik kereta bersama Mr.Vuitton,at first dia bersetuju juga,namun ngam2 datang driver Mr.Alexander jadi tidak jadi dia naik.

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