Part 6

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"I love you Alannnn."veca.

"I love you too Veca."suara gete si Alan.

then they both kissing roughly~

tok! tok! tok!

madam Priscila knock the door

"Alan are you okay?,you want mamy bring your breakfast to your room?".Madam Priscila.

mamai mamai Alan bangun..

"ooh shittt!!!mimpi pula!!damn it!!!!".
sambil tengok fhone."great and im late!!".

kelam kabut dia turun katil pigi buka pintu

"mom......why dont you wake me up,.....?".

"o sweety i've been knocking the door like for a zillions time already,you dont even heard it?"Madam Piriscila.

"so who gonna fecth Veca?".

"Arthur la,maybe they are heading to your dad Wales group building by now..why??".Madam Priscila.

sambil tengok dari atas ke bawah anaknya.

"sweety,terkencing ka??kenapa basah tu seluar bikin malu betul sudah besar terkencing😂,".Madam Priscila.

sambil memandang kearah boxernya ada tompokan basah."Oo shuteee!!!".

cepat-cepat Alan berlari pigi tandas dalam biliknya...

senyum-senyum saja Madam Priscila lihat gelagat anaknya😂😂😂.


Selesai mandi tukar baju segala, Alan turun cepat2 cari kunci kereta mustang hitam dia.

"mom wheres dad?".

"ohh he go out to right after Arthur drove the car,David drove your dad to office".Madam Priscila.

"dont you want to eat your breakfast sweety??".Madam Priscila.

"no mom im full by knowing my future wife has been fecth by my lil brother!". nda puas hati si Alan.

"he just fecth Veca la Alan...why are you jelous?..haahahah. o God!Alan! hahaha love at the first sight ka??".Madam Priscila.

merah muka Alan cepat cepat dia keluar rumah menuju ke kereta dia.

"Alan! dont forget we will be meeting with Mr.Maxmilan about Mr.Vuitton will ok!?..and Veca still doesn't know yet that you two are arrange to be marrige so dont say anything u til we meet at Mr.Maxmilan place!!".kapus kapus Madam Priscila bercakap kuat-kuat takut anak dia xdengar.

selepas masuk kereta baru Alan kasih keluar kepala dia sambil teriak" I know mom bye!".

terus pecut keluar dari perkarangan villa mereka.




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Wow!.....punya tinggi building dorang they are very rich indeed.😏

"okay we arrive already come lets go".Arthur.


masuk saja dalam ruang utama kena greet dorang dua oleh security.

"Good morning Mr.Arthur and Mrs.??.."Security.😄


"she's not yet a Mrs...still Ms...Ms Veca😁".Arthur."come the lift are opening soon".

Dalam lift sementara naik ke tingkat 10.

"Arthur can I ask something?".

"sure what it is?".Arthur.

"ive been knowing you and your family for like a month plus now.. so you and your brother can speak malay,sabahan malay?or you just talk english and russian?".

ketawa terbahak si Arthur.
"bahahahahaha we speak english that doesn't meant we cant speak malay..our mother is a sabahan..buduhhnyaaa".

pelat betul tu malay si Arthur.

"Apa?! ko bilang saya buduhh silaka ko Arthur!".Sambil cubit-cubit bahu si Arthur.

"Hey stop it!".Terus Arthur sambar dua dua tangan Veca naik atas tersandar dia di dinding.

mata merenung mata,
Arthur memandang mulut Veca sambil telan air liur..nampak tu adam apple si Arhtur beguyang telan air liur,

astagah matila kena ngap ni.

muka Arthur makin dekat then dia pandang bawah terus dia cakap di telinga Veca perlahan."Gadd!Veca you dont wear bra? I can see your tities getting hard from the dress...".

what??ya saya sengaja xpakai bra sebab bengkak susu sy kalau datang bulan sakit jadi saya kasih free seja.Damn it!

berabis sy mo lepas tulak dia xdapat.

Perlahan Arthur tunduk mo kiss mulut Veca.


cepat -cepat Arthur kasih lepas tangan Veca and act normal.

Lift tebuka ngam-ngam Alano di depan  lift bahh..dia nampak saja Arthur dan Veca macam muka xpuas hati,macam mo makan orang pun ada terus dia tarik Veca.

"chill bro we've done nothing".Arthur.
sambil angkat dua dua tangan.

Diam saja si Alan then jalan sambil tarik Veca.macam lembu di tarik hidung saja Veca ikut Alan.

Sampai bilik office si Alan
terus dia pegang pipi Veca guna dua tangan then Kiss mulut Veca

shit sy pun ikut dia kissing budu o!

Then Veca tolak Alan.

"what are you doing??".

"you love it dont you?" Alano.


WHAT IF...( slow update)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora