Part 17

335 12 2

Buzzz~~buzzz~~~(pavel fhone ringing)~
repeating like 3x  already in 3am..

Pavel sambut his fhone on the desk beside his bed~


"Bog! ya zvonil tebe tri raza! chto ty delayesh'??(God! i've been calling you three times! what are you doing??)".

"Yego tri zdes', v kakoye vremya, po-tvoyemu, my? My v drugoy strane!(Its three am here what time do you think it is?we are in different country!fuck!).

"Okay~take a deep breath you not gonna believe it but I investigated the person who was to be blamed on this situation~ its your uncle~~".

"waitt I dont have any uncle~ my dad and my mom is the only heir,well my mom has a sister once but shes died on a car crash~".

"You fool Pavel~u forgot u dad has a twin..".

Fresh terus Pavel dia bangun dan direct keluar ke beranda his suite room and duduk on a classic white chair~shirtless~exposing his muscular body with tattooss~.

"yeah but he already dead,killed by my fathers people!.".

"You forgot something Pavel...your uncle has a son with one of his chickss~,I found out that during your father and your uncle have a fight~your uncle chicks were pregnant that time,,so he have a fight with your dad so he can take your family richness~so to make it short its a family revenge Pavel".

Merah mata Pavel~ dia genggam tangan dia as he control his anger.

"Okay noted thanks,will be back to russia in a couple of weeks".

"okay see ya."

tutt off fhone.

fuckk!what is the matter with my uncle!what did he say to his freaking chicks until his son wanna have a revenge! sshit!

Pavel bangun dari kerusi terus tumbuk dinding,hati dia membara macam kena bakar~kena tambah lagi minyak oetrol lagi tambah panas!..tidak puas hati dia tumbuk tu glass table.Pahss!
berdarah jari dan tangan Pavel~sakit??tidak~~sakit lagi hati dia sekarang~

"pavel??are you okay?".
kedengaran suara lembut dari muka pintu beranda his suite.

Veca??oh God! ya I almost forgot about her.
She still wearing the same dress yang kami pakai pergi pub.But her hair a bit messy,baru bangun kali.

Yepp!we dint make a sex,maybe we both tired and drunk until we both terus tertidur.
by looking her eyes calmly,her lip,her voice really makes me horny!but I need to respect Alan this women is his..not mine...

A true man wont steal his best buddies women!

Pavel bagi senyuman mesra sama Veca,Veca pun balas tu senyum then tebesar mata dia nampak tu tangan Pavel berdarah mengalir jatuh  di atas kepingan kaca.


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