~ Part One ~

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Walking down 29th and park

I saw you in another's arms

Only a month we've been apart

You look happier

It was a bright and warm Saturday morning at a park near the 29th Street.

Kim Taehyung is having his day off from work and so he decided to jog around. He wasn't really the type to exercise, if his thin frame can be any indication of it. Truth be told, he'd rather slump at home and eat pancakes at hours like this.

But something happened before and he wanted to get rid of the tension that he has been feeling for about half a month now. He was also hoping he'd get to---

He stopped on his tracks when he saw a familiar back, a back that he has been longing for. The back of the very person that has been causing him stress and tension. The back of the person who got him to jog.

His ex-boyfriend, Jeon Jungkook.

Jungkook and Taehyung were together for nearly a year when Taehyung screwed up their relationship, leading to their very painful break up.

He stared at the standing man before a smile formed on his face.

Jungkook is still as handsome as ever. Save from the tear-streaked face that he saw on the night their relationship ended, the young man looked flawless and handsome. His smile is still breathtaking and his eyes are huge pools that has captivated him and kept him calm.

He longed for him. He wanted to talk to him.

It hasn't been a month since the younger broke up with him. The wounds that he, Kim Taehyung, has caused are still fresh and so, he wanted them to get back together, to make amends. He wanted them to start over.

For about a minute, he contemplated on how to approach the younger. They haven't spoken eversince they broke up and he doesn't want to screw this one. He has made up his mind when a loud, high pitched scream seemed to have knock him over. Before he could even compose himself so that he can finally approach his ex-boyfriend, he was stunned at the scene a few feet away from him.

Jungkook, his beloved Jeon Jungkook, was in the arms of another man.

The man, nearly the same height as Jungkook, is very handsome. He could probably be a model. Good height, good looks, good skin. Yes.

But why is he holding Jungkook? Who is he?

His chest felt really heavy at the sight.

His heart dropped even more when he sees Jungkook returning the hug with a beautiful smile that he hasn't seen for a very long while. The very same beautiful smile that he used to only give to him back in the days when everything was just perfectly fine.

He clutched his chest as he was trying to take in what he is seeing.

"Jungkookie, my precious Jungkookie bunny baby!" The guy exclaimed. He squished Jungkook's face before placing light kissed on his face. "My sweet baby angel, I've really missed you!" He stared lovingly at Jungkook, and judging by the way Jungkook's eyes sparkled at the words, he also feels the same.

Taehyung sighed. He couldn't take this. He couldn't understand. Tears began forming in his eyes and he wanted to leave as soon as possible.

With that, Taehyung turned around and ran away from the park.

~ Because Darling, I'm Still In Love With You ~Where stories live. Discover now