Part Three (Final)

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(First of all, hold on to Jisoos coz the first half of this is mature. If you are innocent, and have never or don't wanna read smut, you can skip. Imma put them in bold texts. Heh. It's not as rated as what we mostly have read, but yup.

A gentle reminder that when I wrote this part, especially the smut part, it was difficult. This was the first fanfic I have ever written after a long hiatus- about 3yrs- and yeah, I've always find writing smut really draining LMAO But going to my point, the smut was difficult to write so please don't judge me.)


But I guess you look happier, you do

My friends told me one day I'd feel it too

I could try to smile to hide the truth

But I know I was happier with you


Taehyung was awakened by his own groan. He's never felt so warm and refreshed for the past few months and he smiled contentedly. He wanted to stretch his arms but he felt himself trapped in another pair of them, not his own. That's when he opened his eyes, only to find himself and whoever was holding him inside his dim-lit room. He tried to move again, only to feel a stinging pain on his lower back.

"Uh," he groaned, exerting less effort in moving, trying to avoid the pain and discomfort.

His hand was trying to move, but instead, it met an expanse of a smooth skin. His cheeks began to resemble the peach fruit as he is started to realize that he and whoever was holding him are both naked. The blush on his cheeks intensified when he also realized that the arms of the man holding him felt familiar.

Extremely familiar.

And really protective, yet comfortable too.

His breath hitched as he felt the arms drawing him closer to the said man. He could only close his eyes and sniff not just the very manly scent from the other guy, but also of the traces of what took place last night. It was enough to make him blush even more. He wishes he could just pull himself away from the other coz he is starting to feel the warmth on his cheeks and it is really not helping.

Jungkook was not in a very good state. He could feel that his heart is beating at the fastest rate because in his arms is the most beautiful man that he has ever seen in his life. He silently wishes that the other isn't awake yet because he doesn't want things to become awkward between them. That's the last thing that he wants to happen, now that he has made up his mind.

He drew the smaller man closer to him, arms holding on tighter around the thin frame. He smiled when he felt that the other's breath hitched at the closeness. He resisted the urge to kiss him because God knows where that kiss would lead them. He couldn't believe that last night happened. He thought it was all over, that he can never ever have any chance to hold the love of his life as close as this again.

He felt himself blush at the thought, and at the image that he will never ever forget.

The love of his life, flushed faced, kissing him, holding onto him, screaming his name, taking him in, loving him.

He was beautiful, always beautiful like that.

They have shared so many nights of love, heat and passion back when they were still together.

But none can ever compare to the one that happened the night before.

(Flashback to the previous night)

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