Chapter 2 - Going Crazy

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I woke up with a man sitting next to me driving a white SUV.

"Um, where are you taking me?" I decided to keep calm and stay cool. I didn't want any confusion anymore.

"To Elizabeth Mental Hospital and Correctional Facility," The gruff man muttered.

"Haha. No, seriously," I asked wrinkling my nose in annoyance.

"Elizabeth Mental Hospital and Correctional Facility.," The man said with a tone.

"What?" I asked puzzled.

I was utterly confused and shocked. What was going on? I rubbed my eyes hoping this was just all a dream. Shaking my head I opened them again. I was still there. Still in the van. And I noticed that my hands were cuffed. The metal cuffs were digging into my skin causing a red rash to appear.

"Let me out," I demanded.

"Sorry, can't do that," the man said.

"LET ME OUT OF THE CAR!" I screamed.

“It’s my orders to bring you psycho bitch back from hell,” the man chortled.  

I was pissed and sure as hell was I going to get out of the car. I wasn’t from hell and I definitely wasn’t a psycho bitch of some sort. I climbed out to the back in a hurry. I had to get the stupid handcuffs off and stop the rash.

"What do you think you're doing? Get back here!" the man yelled not taking his eyes off the road.

Fumbling around, I grabbed a mini pocket knife from the dude's fanny pack. 

"Yes," I said in excitement.

Hurriedly, I struggled to hold it up with my handcuffed hands. Suddenly, I felt the car lurch to a halt. What? I quickly turned around as I saw the man leap onto me like a lion hunting its prey. The car shook and he started hitting me. My whole body ached. I felt like my breathe was getting sucked out of me. I pretended to lie limp, as if I had passed out. I had the perfect plan and it was going well.

"Hope you've learned your lesson. Don’t ever mess with me," the gruff man spat.

Kicking me one last time, I winced so quietly. As the car started accelerating I slowly sat up. The windows were tinted and the man was humming a tune. I chuckled on the inside. Cautiously approaching him, I decided to play. As he glanced into the rearview mirror, his eyes widened.

"What the hell?" he exclaimed.

I laughed, "I think my lesson’s over."

And with that, I started stabbing and stabbing at his chest. The car swerved around causing us to tumble all around. Blood started pouring from his wounds and as he coughed up blood. He grabbed the knife out of my hand, and stabbed at me.

"Too slow, a-hole," I said.

The man struggled to breathe. A blood puddle stained his clothes. Finally, his body went limp and I took over the driver's spot tossing his body to the back. 

"Burn in hell, bitch. Oh and by the way, I didn't kill Raven."

I felt powerful. Strong, like I was in control. But was I crazy? I just killed someone! Whatever. Big Deal. I was framed. And I was going to find the killer. Then, I realized that we were already in the parking lot in the processing garage. It was time to escape.

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