Chapter 3 - Escape

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Escape Time. That went through my mind. But how? I had no weapons, no clothes, and my hands were still cuffed. I had to find the bloody key. Suddenly a sharp pain hit my chest. I gasped in pain but brushed it off.

"SHOOT," I groaned.

Locking the doors to the car, I rushed to the back. HIs fanny pack lay there. There were tons of zippers.

"What the hell does he put in a fanny pack? Jesus, I didn't even know guys wore these..." I laughed to myself.

After a few minutes, I came upon a tiny silver key dangling on a larger key.


I slipped out of the nasty handcuffs and stepped on them before throwing them out the window. But the thing is, I was in a car, and I didn't know how to drive one. I was only sixteen! Guess I'll have to find another way, I thought to myself. This sucked, so bad. I started stripping the gruff man down. Even though the shirt was soaked with blood I decided that it was better than nothing. Flipping it inside out, I patted the blood with a paper to make it less soggy. It didn’t work as well as I thought it’d be. Slipping it on, I realized that it was WAY too baggy for me. But really, who would notice. I used a few bobby pins and extended it clipping the extra air together. Finally, I put my hair up and stuffed it in the black cap with the initials of E.M.H.

I stepped out of the car with confident and with no hesitation, I walked towards another man that seemed to work there.

With the deepest man voice I could do I asked, "Where do you get the new weapons? I seem to have lost my gun."

"Uhh...Brian? Is that you? You seem to have grown short. Or…I grew taller," the man said.

"Just give me the guns. I'm in a hurry. The boss said so," I shot back.

"Ok. ok. You should know. Gee.. But it's not here. You're far from it. It's in the headmaster's quarters. By the way where'd you come from?"

"Hell," I said.

I started running and I heard him calling my name. Bullets were fired as he found out that I wasn't Brian. 

"HEY GET BACK HERE!" he screamed.

No way was I going to turn myself in. I had just succeeded so all I needed was to be cautious and to cover up my tracks. Was this even possible? Was I going to get caught? Suddenly another sharp pain hit my chest.

"Aah," I groaned.

I continued running and finally reached the front doors. Peering through the windows, I walked in.

"Brian! Thank god you're here!" the registration lady said, "My you've changed in like a few hours!"

I punched the girl in the cheek. She collapsed to the floor. Were my punches that strong? I jumped over the desk and in no time, I was at the computer searching for information. The headmaster's room was right on the eighth floor. I decided to change into one of the delinquents clothes on the way up. As I took off my shirt, I took a glance in a mirror. Taking a double take, I gasped. A bat of some sort was carved in my chest. Dried blood bordered it. What did it mean? All of a sudden, I had a craving. A craving for a red substance. BLOOD.

"Oh my god!" I exclaimed.

Touching the carving, I heard a slight sizzling sound. The cut was deep but for some reason it didn't hurt. I shook my head. What was this adding up to? Vampires? Suddenly, still in the room, something whooshed by me. I swiftly turned around. No I wasn't going to say “Hello” like what they do in serial killer moves. That’s just retarded. I was going to find whatever that was that brushed by me. But, I was frightened. What was happening? My life was so full of shit right now. 

Picking up the mini pocketknife I had snatched from the gruff man’s fanny pack, I started from the middle of the room and to one side. Suddenly something whooshed by me again making my hair fly everywhere. Was this some kind of sick joke? I decided to forget about it and get out of the room. I hurriedly finished getting dressed and headed out of the room pacing hastily. 

Reaching the elevator, I frantically pressed the up button. I wasn't going to wait. No, I wasn't going to take the stairs. Eight stories? Hell no. Finally the elevator dinged and I walked in. No one was inside, so I was relieved. Pressing the number eight button, my eyeballs rolled around, cautious of my surroundings.

Suddenly, I felt something breathe down my neck. The hairs on my neck stood up. I gasped. Gulping, I slowly turned around. No one was there. Was it my imagination? The elevator was only to the second floor. What was taking forever? Then the lights started flickering and I saw a figure run in like super speed all around me.

Breathing hard, I walked towards the elevator door banging on it for help. I wasn’t going to take a chance. Especially when this thing wasn't even human. I was pulled back by a hand. The grip was strong and it was sure to leave marks. Something breathed down the top of my head.

"No one's gonna help you," the thing said.


"Let me make this clear. NO ONE'S GONNA HELP YOU!" the man threw me across the elevator allowing my body to bash on the elevator doors. 

I looked up. The thing looked familiar. Almost as if I've seen him somewhere. Then, it hit me. It was him. The man who killed my sister. 

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