Chapter 4

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Alex's POV

After that night, Jack stayed away. A whole week went by, and he only stopped in once to tell Jenna sorry. I felt depressed, and clingy. What if I scared him away?

"Alex, are you okay?" Jenna asked.

"No. Jenna, I'm not okay. Tay is fucking dead. I'm fucking falling for Jack and he's... I don't know, he's avoiding me or something...." As if his name being mentioned summoned him, the door opened, and Jack walked through.

"I'll see you later." Jenna said and walked away quickly. Jack looked after her before turning a look full of guilt toward me.

"Hey." He said shyly. "I-I'm sorry about the last week."

I couldn't help but stare. his hair was unstyled, a beanie thrown carelessly on his head. He had dark circles under his eyes, and his clothes looked like they hadn't been washed in a day or two. His eyes held so much guilt and sadness, and it made me sad to see him like that. "What-- are you okay? You look like you haven't slept in a week." I said worriedly.

"I-I... Well, I haven't." He looked like he had something to be guilty for other than just ignoring me, but couldn't tell me about it. "I just.. I'm so sorry, I couldn't be around... A-are you okay? How's Jenna?"

"Um... We're fine. Tay was.. Um, she was dating Jenna, so Jenna's taking it pretty hard, but we're doing okay considering. God, what happened to you the last week? I mean, I know I might have been a bit clingy, but... You kind of disappeared..." I said.

"I'm sorry... I'm so so sorry. Hey, I'll make it up to you. I wanted to, um... I was gonna ask if you'd maybe go on a date with me?" Jack asked, looking at me with hopeful eyes. "Tonight? After work?"

I hesitated at first. He had ignored me for a week, and now he wanted to go out with me? This boy was so confusing. But at the same time, we needed the comfort. Finally, I sighed. "Yeah, sure. Sounds good." I said, half-smiling to him. He smiled back.

"Great! What time are you off?"

"Uh, 7:30."

"Okay. I'll be back here at 7:30 then!" He said excitedly, and practically skipped out of the shop. That boy was odd, that's for sure. But I liked him anyway. The rest of the day was fairly slow, but it was nice. When 7:30 rolled around, Jack showed up again, holding flowers. I had to admit, he cleaned up nicely. "You ready?" He asked, and I nodded.

 He lead me to his car, assuring me we'd pick up mine before we went home tonight. "So where are we going?" I asked.

Jack smirked at me. "You'll see." He said, and kept driving. Soon enough, we pulled up to a nice restaurant.

"Jack, this is like the most expensive place in town!"

"I know. I, uh, come from a rich family." He said vaguely. He turned off the car and we got out, going into the restaurant. I felt terrifyingly underdressed. As if sensing my discomfort, Jack turned to me. "You look fine." He reassured me, then took my hand, leading me inside. We were seated right away, which I was glad of, because I was starving. "So, you wanna go back to yours after this?" He asked.

"Sure." I smirked, and sent Vic a text to be out tonight.

Jack's POV

I was nearly shaking with nerves. This wasn't right. What's wrong with you, dammit! You can kill your cousin, but not some fuck? I couldn't tell why I was so guilty about this. I didn't want to kill Alex. But I had to.

We went inside a restaurant, the most expensive place in town. A great place for a last meal. We were lead to a table, where we sat down and ate. Once we were done with dinner, we went back to the coffee shop to pick up Alex's car, then drove to Alex's house.

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