(HR) Six Records of a Floating Life (浮生六记)

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Title: Six records of a floating life (浮生六记)

Author: 南康/白起

Genre: Modern, 1x1, sweet, warm

40 short chapters

Rating: ❤❤❤ ❤

Review: I'm pretty sure most of you have read I Will wait for you until 35. I recently came across this novel by Nankang that was written before I will wait for you until 35. The Six Records of a Floating Life describe the life with his boyfriend, it was heartwarming but my heart aches so much because I already know the ending. The story moves back and forth from after they graduated from college and the time they are still in college. Reading it, I could feel how much Nankang love his boyfriend and vice versa. The tear his boyfriend shed for him, how much he loves and treasure Nankang, here is a quote his boyfriend said from the 1st chapter:

"If you want to break up then break up, money and everything are yours, I don't want anything, as long as when you leave just don't forget to take me along."

Nankang has also written several more novel, essay, and poem.

Here is the timeline of when he met his boyfriend:

In 1999 - NanKang moved to South Changsa to study

In spring of 2000 - in an unknown relationship with his boyfriend, "Mr. Zhang," he deliberately avoid and got a girlfriend, but broke up not long after (the book will state why)

From 2000-2001 - 2nd years in college, he rented an apartment outside of school, have a minor illness, moved back to the dormitory after he gotten better.

From 2001-2002 - 3rd years in college, relationship with his boyfriend continue as before. On the evening of his birthday in 2002, he confirms his relationship with his "husband," until 2006 they had lived together nearby school, and Six Records of a Floating Life was written in this period of time, the writing style was gently and lively, fresh and warm.

January 1, 2006 - His boyfriend is getting marry, he sends his love in I will wait for you until 35, at this time his writing style has turn dark, melancholy is filled between the words and lines. His doubt has caused him to suffered from clinical depression.

March 9, 2008 - Lasted contact with his friends, he disappeared. In Changsha, Xiangjiang, his corpse flow along the river for 15 days. March 27, in Yueyang (Xiangyin section) it was discovered and salvaged. At that time hasn't turned twenty-eight yet.

June 15, 2009 - Someone logoff his account on tianya.cn, Nankang's blog at the same time was deleted.

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