Chapter One ~ Remember Me

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Ever fallen in love with someone you really shouldn't haven fallen in love with? It's happened to us all right? Yet I guarantee my story isn't your typical boy meets girl, they fall in love and live happily ever after. If that's what you're hoping for then you're going to be sorely disappointed.

I'm getting ahead of myself here, how about we start from the beginning? The day my life changed, the day I met HIM.

Chapter One

His fangs found her flesh and pierced into it, the soft warmth giving way like a ripe melon, filling his mouth with thick, delicious blood. She shuddered in his hands as he drew deep, gulping mouthful after mouthful, reveling in the strength and life that filled his veins, jolted his limbs, granted him his semblance of life.

His victim began to moan softly, her body growing limp as his strong arms supported more of her weight. He could pick up the traces of her desire and satiation in her sweat; taste the endorphins in her blood that turned her death from terrifying and painful to the most pleasurable experience of her life.

The human in him got some small sense of comfort in knowing that she was dying peacefully, happily. The monster in him simply could not care less, not as long as the sweet crimson fluid continued to flow into him, pumping him full of stolen life and vitality. He drank and drank, sucked at her neck until there was nothing left to suck, and then he dropped her to the ground, where she fell in a crumpled heap.

Y/N's POV.


My eyes shot open.

Not again....I thought to myself as I attempted to calm my racing heart as it hammered against my chest.

I kept having this dream, why?

It first started when I moved to Seoul, I was born and raised in England but always wanted more....more excitement and the chance to really make something of myself and so I started applying for jobs and browsing the internet for small affordable apartments. Surprisingly it didn't take long, around a month to find myself an apartment in Hapjeong and then another few months to finalize the paperwork before flying out and moving my stuff in. It was basic, I was on the ground floor of an apartment building and there were four floors in total each having two apartments. My apartment had everything I required, it was clean and minimalist with an open plan living space and bedroom with en suite. It took only a few days to add my own touches to it, photos of family and friends, candles, pale blue pillows to add a splash of colour to the netural scheme. I soon took to the streets of Seoul and explored what was nearby, there was a small market which was open late that sold everything I needed from food to household necessities. It then only took me another two weeks to secure a job working at a busy family restaurant just a ten minute walk away, it wasn't exactly a well paying job but it was a start and the staff there soon became like a second family to me. I of course studied the language before making the move, I wasn't fluent but understood enough to get by. It was now six months since I'd arrived and I was happy for the most part but these nightmares plagued me, since stepping off the plane I felt as though this was the start of something unexpected and of course I put that down to my nerves due to making such a huge change in my life but these dreams I couldn't explain.

"Get a grip Y/N." I muttered to myself as I entered the bathroom and switched on the light. The dark circles under my eyes were the first thing I noticed so in a futile attempt to banish them I popped the cap off my sleeping tablets and took two, washing them down with some water. It was routine for me now, the dream always woke me around three in the morning and after taking my tablets I'd then sleep comfortably until midday before having to get up and ready for my night shift at the restaurant.

I just couldn't make sense of why I was having these dreams, maybe nerves still? Doubt? Did I miss my family, regret the move? I returned to my bed and would think about these questions and more before finally my eyes would close.


This wasn't supposed to happen, why was she here again?

Was this fate?

Was this a sick joke to test me?

I would stay away, it wouldn't be like before. I made a promise to Y/N, my brothers and to myself. Yet the minute she arrived it was like part of me had returned and I wasn't a monster anymore.

Why did you come back? You were supposed to forget....I made you forget.

I sighed, my dark eyes watching as the light in her room switched on and then off again moments later.

If he finds out you're here he'll come for you. I'll simply have to make you leave before he does.

I won't let you do this to me, I won't love you....I can't.

Remember Me ~ 21+ (Hoseok/Reader FF)  Where stories live. Discover now