Sit Back and Relax

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Author's Note: I am so sorry this took so long. Been super busy the last couple of months, will attempt to be better about posting, but sadly, I can't make that a promise. I love you guys and greatly appreciate your support.

The extreme amount of terror that simple question caused you was unbelievable. A few days ago, you would probably have sassed the vampire noble with some sarcastic response, and he would have sighed and left you alone. Now, however, you were in a cell in his dungeon, with both of your legs broken, and you neck decorated with his bite marks. Even the thought of further angering the sadist leaning over you made you shiver. You trembled under the weight of his stare, unable to answer him, and guessed from his smile that he already knew exactly what he was going to do to you...

After waiting a few seconds for a response Ferid knew wasn't going to come, he trailed his fingers from his human's chin down her neck , over her left shoulder, and along her arm until he reached her wrist. His fingers curled around it, creating an unbreakable shackle. He pulled it up gently, turning her arm over as he brought it towards his mouth. "Little one, I want to play a game. Here's what is going to happen; I am going to hurt you. You are going to let me. If you are quiet, I will stop and try again elsewhere. If you make any sort of sound, I will make it worse until you are silent or unconscious. Do you understand?" 

You were horrified. What the hell sort of game was that? It was rigged completely in Ferid's favor, and he never mentioned what would happen if  you somehow managed to win, which was most likely going to be impossible. You looked up at him, your eyes imploring him to show some sort of mercy to you. His wicked smile at your attempt was all the answer he was going to give, but it was enough to let you know there wasn't any hope for you. A small whimper of despair escaped you. 

Ferid seemed to take that as an affirmative response, and brought your wrist that he had been holding to his slightly parted lips. He didn't bite down, but he began to suck on it gently at first, slowly increasing the intensity until tears rolled down your cheek. He released your wrist, after smugly glancing at the bruise that was already forming. "Hmmm, where to next?" the vampire asked himself aloud. "Perhaps here..." His hand was now tightly gripping your leg slightly below your right knee. Your hands flew to your mouth, hoping to catch any noise you might make, since there was no way you could withstand anything that close to the break. "Ah ah ah, little lamb. That is cheating." He let go of your leg, grabbing both of your hands, holding them in front of you. He moved back a little, raising his hand to smack your outstretched arms when he stopped. He closed his eyes as he said, "Oh my... I had almost forgotten about the toy I have for you. It would be more than appropriate to use it while we play this game, wouldn't it?"

Ferid pulled the leather riding crop from his boot, and snapped it directly on to the hickey he had recently made on your left wrist. You gasp in pain, just to wince, realizing Ferid had his first victory. You glance at his face, and his expression displayed his enthusiasm of this win. He brought the crop down again, harder this time, and chuckled as you bit your lip to keep any sound from coming out. He shifted over slightly, and hit your right wrist this time, causing you to bite down harder. You felt something warm trickle down your chin and your mouth was filled with a bitter, iron taste. 'No, no, no,no,' was the only thought that ran through your mind. Ferid looked at you with rather satisfied smile. 

"Lamb, did you do that on purpose? Are you teasing me with your blood, hoping it will distract me from our little game? Because it is working." Ferid set the riding crop down, and knelt down, reaching for you. He pulled you slightly up and towards him, bringing your face to his. His tongue ran up the small trail of blood, and licked your lips. "Be a good girl and open your mouth for me a bit, and we can stop playing for today," Ferid offered. While the first part of his request sounded revolting, the idea of not having to bear much more torture was incredibly appealing, so you gave him what he wanted and parted your lips. You regretted it instantly as he thrust his tongue into your mouth eagerly, searching around for anymore of your blood that might be hiding in there. You gag, and try to pull away, but Ferid held you tightly. He sucked on your lower lip for a few more seconds before he moved down to your neck. He bit down, and began drinking greedily, ignoring your pained protests and whimpers. Slowly, the room around you started spinning around you. You felt the vampire noble lean away from you and set you on the ground. You couldn't really feel anything, neither your legs or your throat caused you any pain. It almost seemed to be relief, those few moments before you slipped into unconsciousness...

Ferid looked down on the sleeping human at his feet. While he didn't torment her half as much as he wanted to, he was still satisfied with the girl's general submission. He picked up his riding crop, and walked toward the door of the cell. After unlocking it, the words of the healer who set his toys bones earlier ran through his mind. 'Leave the key in the door,' she had said,' she won't be running anytime soon.' He laughed, and found he had to agree with the woman. So he left the door open, because he knew how much pain it would cause the sleeping livestock in the cell to try to drag herself out. Even if she could make it down the hall, there was no way she could get up the stairs. "Hell," he murmured softly to himself, "If she can get out of my house without me catching her, she deserves her freedom."

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