Misplaced Mercy

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I'm awful. I know. I am sorry this took so long, and thank you to all of you wonderful people for your patience.

Boy. She always calls me boy. One day I will have the courage to stand up to that mean woman and tell her 'My name isn't boy, you hag, it is Ritsu, and it would be very much appreciated if you would use it once and awhile. And would it kill you to be nice occasionally, ya smelly goat? I think I would rather be pecked to death by a flock of angry humming birds than be forced to keep your company for another moment. Nobody likes you. Not me, not the people you heal, not "your future husband" Ferid Bathory. He finds you as appealing as a pile of rotted potatoes, and only flirts with you to keep you from reporting him...' 

Ritsu continued his internal rant to Miku, the healer, as he walked back down the stairs to the poor girl with the broken legs that they had fixed earlier. Miku was assigned to take the girl her dinner, but as always, she sent him instead. He doubted Lord Ferid cared who did it, but it irked him to no end that he was constantly doing that awful woman's chores as well as his own while she claimed all of the credit. She took advantage of him, and he let her because he was undeniably a pushover. Maybe one day he would finally stand up to her, but currently he knew that he was in no position to. Who would believe (or care) that he did almost all of her work, or that she frequently 'borrowed' food and medicine for other people. He had no proof, and he currently couldn't quite replace her as a healer, so he would just have to wait or have someone else get rid of her.

It shocked him when he came to the girl's cell to see the door left wide open. The only people with keys (or that were even allowed to be down there) was Miku and Ferid. Ritsu had not been entrusted with a key and was instructed to slid the tray through the smallish slot between the door and the ground. He looked at the still sleeping girl, and an idea of just how to repay Miku's kindness and Ferid's abuse formed. He walked in the cell, set the tray on the bed, and picked up the girl. She was a little heavy for him, but the promise of revenge gave Ritsu strength enough for his self-assigned task. He had grown up working in this mansion, so he knew plenty of secret passages and unused hallways. Before he slipped out of a side door, he wrapped her in a smelly sack he usually carried trash in, knowing the girl wouldn't mind considering the situation. He grabbed the full bag next to the door as well, giving himself a solid alibi as to why he left.  As he exited the mansion, Ritsu made a bee line to the edge of the city, and no guards stopped him, as he frequently was seen taking the nobles garbage to the dump. 

He tossed the real garbage, and unwrapped the girl gently. As much as he hated leaving her uncovered, he couldn't afford leaving the bags. He looked at her one more time, and hoped for both their sake that he never saw her again before hurrying back to Lord Ferid's mansion, looking forward to the hell that was sure to ensue. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2018 ⏰

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