Chapter 3 The new horror

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4:00 pm

Mike went and waited for miss cromwell to get out of class to talk to the mick-  he had been waiting 5 muniutes for her the the door opened mike turned it was miss cromwell mike told her that katie had somthing important to tell mike.

Miss Cromwell yes i do have somthing important to tell you jodie katie bestfriend was attacked her last night by her step dad she was scared to tell me she also to me that she tryed to call the police but her step dad destroyed the phone katie told me just today she just found out today herself mr mike so i just thought you like to know mr mike.

Mike ok thank you so much i appreciate you you telling it must have been hard for jodie to tell miss cromwell well anyway i have work to do so thank you miss cromwell for telling me this and i will send in a report about this bye miss cromwell.

So mike went into the forest and looked around and see if he could find some kind of clue its blood but dont know what blood type it is better get it mike seid so mike gets a blood sample from the forest.

4:25 pm

Katie here you go damon oh damon i have somthing i need you to look at for me.

Damon ya sure what is it that you need me to anylize katie.

Katie its a peice of paper here that says somthing about children giving him power a pi was the one that found his name is mike and he needs to know about it my friends went missing in the forest in the back of are school.

Damon ohhh ok do thats the news i have been hearing about sure i will look at it a i will get back with you on this one ok katie let me getvmy homework done and i will take alook at this and find out what i can find out  about this paper and i will give it back as soon as i am done with it.

Katie ok damon thank you damon i have to go home ok i will talk to you when i can ok bye.

Katie is walking home and on her way home.

Mike drives by and rolls the window down and asks katie if she like a ride home.

Katie gets in and tells mike that damon the new student has the paper he found and he is going to look at it as soon as he is done with his homework and mike told katie about the blood sample he found in the forest and he needs to know the blood type.

Mike seid he found a blood trail that lead from a log to

Katie told. Mike thats her blood but damon might be able to find out the blood sample for you katie told mike.

Mike ok that big white house is damons house right.

Katie yes thats right just tell his mom and or dad your a friend of mine thay should understand oh he is my stop thank you mike bye.

Mike goes to the big white house and knocks on the door and damons mom anwsors the door and asks who are you.

5:10 pm

Mike my name is mike and i am a friend of katies i am a pi who needs your sons help.

??? My name tina i am damons mom so you are friends with katie.

Mike yes i am she good girl and smart and she is also a wonderfull friend i could not have asked for a better friend

Damon mom is that mike down there.

Tina yes it is damon.

Damon send him up katie told me about him he is ok.

Tina ok damon i will ok mr mike you can ho up and see him.

Mike thank you tina.

So mike goes up and knocks on damons door damon tell mike to come in mike walks in.

Mike hi i am mike and katie tells me you are the new kid in school .

Damon ya i am do what brings you here mr mike.

Mike i know you homework but i need this blood sample tested if you do that after verifing the paper that katie gave you if you dont mind.

Damon not at all i would happy to do that for you.

Mike thank you so much damon you are helping katie get her friends back alot faster now cam i count on you to help if i need it more.

Damon ya just let me know what needs to be done and i will do it.

Mike thank you damon i have to go now bye.

5:58 pm

So mike left and got in his car and drove back to the school and went to the forest and he found a finger of a child mike got scared i hope its not one of katies friends mike theres a new horror out there i cant baleve it its a monster this shadow thing is deadly a new horror that is this evil.

I am afriad to go in now i cant think on how bad it is geting a new horror that does this to children i dont i hope katies are ok.

Mike goes in anyway he pulls his gun out and is ready as mike stands there trembling in fear he has no idea where thay are going to come from or when mike looks around and the katies blood trail just disappeared.

7:30 pm

How is this posable mike thought to himself as screams came from the black forest mike ran torwards the screams not knowing it was a trap he started to think that this was not a good idea at all blood started coming out of mike nose and driping on the leaves of the forest mike got scared and ran out of the forest.

He tripped and broke his arm.

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