Chapter 7 The Underpass

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8:00 am

Mike all ready geared up and got the spark cutter that damon made not mike is going to the hatch and is ready to cut the hindges off.

Damon wait mike dont go down yet here take this head light it will come in handy when you go down in there and be carefull ok oh and the spark cutter had a camra in it so i can see if anything is wrong be carefull mike bye.

Mike thank again damon i will bye .

So mike is going to the hatch and going in mike cuts thoughtvthe hindges and the hatch came off ok mike put on the head light and got his magnum out and jump in he see somone doen in the tunnal.

Crazy charlie mike seid to himself. He hears a riddle.

8:30 am

Crazy charlie your going to die nothing in the sky.

So mike shoot crazy charlie in head blows crazy charlies head clean off mike runs down in the underpass and see a executioner he aims for his and shoots him in the and kills him mike continues to run and see hellhounds and mike pulls out his 9mm and puts his magnum away shoots the hell hounds and kills them dead mike runs thought the underpass and finds another hatch he here noise up above and waits and listens he hears a mans voise and wonders who it is a shadow figure knocks out mike.

Damon seen what happeded to mike and he has been taken he is with katies friends i have to tell her now damon though to himself si damon got to katies house and knocked on the door.

9:08 am

Dianna ohh hello damon come on

Damon katie mike has been taken where your friends are we have to help mike.

Katie what are you talking about damon.

Damon look mike your friends.

9:15 am

Katie. Omg mike is in trouble he is in the black cabin mom i have to go mike is in trouble and i might be the only one who can save mike and my friends i may be the only one here stronge enough tp handle this tommy damon damon tommy

Tommy nice to meet you damon.

Damon nice to meet you to tommy

So tommy damon and katie went to damons house and went up staries to his room and damon gave some gadgets to katie she got as much gadgets as she can hold so katie now has gadgets poptarts and orange juice so katie went down to the black forest and in the the hole and she ran to the other end and seen hell hounds and went to the hatch and got up and aimed her weapon.

Shadow man well well look what we have here little katie.

Katie that voice your judies step dad you bastard you jodie.
9:35 am
Douglas well well we are the smart little brat i am going to kill you all.

Katie fires off the weapon mortally wounding Douglas katie goes to her friends and mike and frees them all thay go down to the uderpass and excape and get to katies home

Katie damon you and tommy my home now go

Damon right where on are way

So katie her friends and mike got to her home and damon and tommy got there before thay did thay got there 5 min after thay shut the door and locked it up and dead bolted it shut.

10:25 am
Katie mom call sam samanthe doug and krista moms and dads.

Dianna Katie what are you talking about omg honey call sam samanthe doug and kristas moms and dads.

Dan ok dianna dear.

Katie the man who was who kiddnapped sam samanthe doug krista and jodie was Jodies step dad i am going to kill him for what he did.

Mike i am with you on this katie.

Katie no i cant let you do this mike you did good mike but somone has to take care of the monsters out here when i deal with jodies step dad.

Mike ohhh good point katie me and jodie will deal with her stap dad you sam samanthe doug and krista with my mom and dad and my friends moms and dads deal with the other monsters here ok .

Mike ok good call katie you and jodie go raise hell with him.

Sam Jodie send him but to the void.

The door bell rang and sam oped the door it was the parents of sam samanthe doug and krista mike interduced himself and told the parents who saved there child and who has made a plain and what thay are to do the other parents dont like that idea but if it came from katie thay will trust her.

Katie and jodie has to go to eastmain asylum to beat down the step dad and he waiting.

Damon i have a special plain that can get you you there and back but you have to be carefull because if you land hard you will not be able to fly it back ok katie jodie.

Katie & jodie ok we will remember. Jodie ya we wont forget damon thanks.

12: 00 pm
So dianna asked jodie if she like to stay with them she seid yes and jodie was happy about that and katie and jodie went in and got some rest and waited till dinner.

Jodie thank you katie for everthing we all appreciate what you did for us.

Katie your my bestfriend jodie and i missed you and the others.

Jodie katie whats wrong why are you crying.

Katie miss cromwell was killed in her home and mike told us she was killed.

Jodie omg this is terrible i ohh katie its going to be ok mr tate was killed to.

Jodie no not mr tate well listen we need some rest ok katie.

Katie  ok lets sleep and then we can have dinner.

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