Chapter 5 (Hints to the Third)

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Hints to the Third

Everything is white. I can see nothing around me that is color, except for my own honey-colored hair. My nearly-ivory skin barely sticks out against the floor. My hands are again bound in the strange glowing bluish-white cords again, and I have noticed that I am dressed differently than I was when we were kidnapped. I had been wearing a McQueen t-shirt, and a pair of dark jeans and some brown Uggs. Now I am dressed head-to-toe in a- bodysuit?- that seems to be glowing the same way as my 'handcuffs.' It's the same color, and it feels the same, so it must be made of the same stuff.

I am on the ground, on my knees to be exact. I can feel a dull pain in the side of my leg, probably where I was hit before with the tranquilizer. I remember being tried at with a syringe back at McQueen, but I had ducked out of the way. I guess it had caught me after all. The floor is cold, but not freezing. I am vaguely aware of a faint vibration coming from the ground, almost like a cat's purr, only silent.

I am alone. There is nothing to hear but the sound of my own breathing. I start tapping my fingers on the ground: Hungarian Rhapsody No. 12 in C Minor, by Franz Liszt. One of my favorites. As my fingers graze the cool floor, I can almost hear the song playing through my mind. Bumbum. Bumbum. Bumbum. Bumbum. Bum BUM bumbumbum... And on and on.

I sit there playing my invisible piano by my side for several minutes, but when I'm finished playing my silent song, I hear a footstep behind me. I spin around, and there stands the man.

"Is it too soon for me to ask for all your secrets?" he says.


And then I'm awake.

Once again, it's only very early in the morning. I glance down at my TARDIS alarm clock and see the projection above it: 6:42 am. This makes sense, since we were up until about 5:00 this morning... I was teaching the girls how to make a perfect cream puff and then we were up talking about my Dreams, and about Porter, and about Lance, and then we watched Jurassic Park and when we started getting tired we went upstairs to my loft bed and giggled in the dark for half an hour before we all passed out.

So: my loft bed. When I was ten, my big birthday present from my dad was a loft bed that he had built the month before, keeping it in our storage unit until the big day. It's got a bed up top, and underneath, there is no second bed, and no desk or anything, but there's a little room underneath. That room serves as my closet, so I turned my closet into a gaming room, of sorts. I have my computer screens in there, my headphones, my laptop, and all my game discs and stuff. I also do my homework in there.

Kind of a multi-purpose room. I love it!

When I wake up, I scale down the little staircase I made, and very quietly, I step over the girls silent figures into my moderately-sized gaming room. I close the door behind me and turn the light on as it shuts.

I scream when I see my worst nightmare sitting right in front of me.

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