Chapter 9 (Questions)

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I back away slowly. "Please. Seamus, I know you don't want to do this! Please, Seamus! Please just let us go! Please!" I plead with an invisible man.

His voice is physical this time. "Haven, you have to understand. I'm as much a prisoner here as you."

"I... what are you talking about, Seamus? I thought you worked here or something!"

"Please, Haven. All will be explained in due time, I promise!" His voice has an added shake at the end, wondering if he is being forced to say this.

"I don't want due time, I want to know this minute!" I sound like a two year old, I realize after it comes out of my mouth. "Please, Seamus! Where are you?"

I don't even know where is voice had been coming from. It seems like it was simply radiating from the walls. I look around for a sign of Seamus entering the room. There aren't any. The hallway behind me is starting to look awful inviting. "Seamus, please don't do this." I start to sob silently, and I notice a single tear has fallen off my eyelashes and spilled onto my cheek. I brush it off without so much as a second thought. Now is not the time for tears, Have, I tell myself.

"I'm right here," Seamus's voice says from right behind me. I spin on my heel and step backwards after almost smacking him in the face with my still-warm curls.

"Haven, please come with me. It will be easier if you just come without a fight."

Realizing that I have been bested, and I really don't want to fight Seamus right now, I nod and hang my head. I step forward and he offers his hand to lead me. I look up at him, right in his eyes, and he has an empathetic look on his face, as if to say I feel you. But we'll make it through this together. :) I take his extended hand and flick another escaped tear off my face.

He leads me to the behind which lay our bedrooms, and we walk past them a bit faster than before.

"Where are my friends, Seamus?" I ask with deadly sseriousness.

He takes a deep breath before he answers. "They are in their own questioning rooms already."

"Oh." I don't ask more questions. Today is for me to be asked questions, not for me to ask them.

We walk into a room with- SURPRISE!- white walls, and a singe grey metal table in the center with onen metal chair on either side. There is another door on the opposite wall, and next to the door is a mirror. But it's not really a mirror, I've seen enough crime shows to know that that's one-way glass. Someone will be witnessing my questioning, I can't even begin to guess who. 

Me being me, I smile and wave at the mirror, expecting whoever is on the other side to be either a.) surprised or b.) amused by my 'calmness.' Seamus shakes his head and looks down at the ground, laughing quietly. "I can't believe you," he says.

He drops my hand, and points to the chair on the side of the table that faces the window. I sit down as I'm told, and tilt my head up to the window, smiling at it, wondering who could possibly be on the other side.



"Who is watching us right now?"

"My supervisor. The one who is making me question you."





"Are my friends being asked the same questions as me?"

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