Chapter 3

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A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait! I was just so coped up with the assignments of school. And also damn writer's block.. Gomennnn!!! Anyway, here it is! Once again, sorry! Enjoy!

Once I saw his wink I swear I was about to lose it. 'Did he just wink?! At me?!?!?' I thought as I felt my legs turn into jelly. Oh god, he was so hot and cute.. I then suddenly remembered that I had an appointment with the guidance councillor. I reluctantly opened the door slowly to see the councillor writing on her desk. It looked like a schedule for the month. I stared at her for a moment and finally mustered the courage to talk.

"Um..! Excuse me Ma'am.. I'm here for a session..."

She looked at me and stared for a while till she finally realized, "Oh! I see. Come in come in.." I could see the restlessness in her eyes. She looked like she didn't sleep in weeks! "Now who sent you here Ms. Kirkland?" I trotted near her and took a seat in front of her and her messy desk. "Ms. Jo ma'am.. My science teacher." She nodded and asked me what my problem was. And of course, my personality was to not let anyone know my feelings or else it might be considered that I was weak.

So like any other person, I lied. I told her that I was having a bad time with my love life. I know lame excuse. But I really didn't want to talk about Cecilia. I told her that my ex dumped me and got another girl with him. She believed it too. "Miss Kirkland, I know this is hard but you have to be strong and brave to face all life's problems. Life is not all fun and games you know. You're not the only one who has been heartbroken before. So you have to strengthen up. Next time, you have to be stronger to face life. Okay?"

I suddenly felt my chest tighten. For some reason I wanted those words to be directed to my real problem not my excuse. After another set of lectures from her, she finally dismissed me and told me to be myself. I walked out of the office and went back to the classroom.

'Admit it.. You really want to talk about your problems. You coward.' I heard my conscious say to me. I shook my head and walked faster. 'Why are you always tormenting me...?' I asked my conscious, needless to say I was talking to myself. 'Because we both now it's true. Coward.' It said without hesitation. What am I doing? I'm talking to myself again, I think I'm going coo-coo loco.. When I came back in the classroom, my day resumed it's regular schedule.


Damn I'll never get used to that loud sound the bell makes. As soon as the bell rang we all packed our stuff and headed out the school. My favorite subject.. Dismissal.. Oh the beauty of this subject.. I went out of the classroom and fate was being such a good person to me since I bumped into who? "UGH! WHO LET YOU TOUCH ME KIRKLAND BITCH!!" Yay! Angela! Can you smell the sarcasm here? But of all of the people in this damn school why Angela?!

"Ugh! You just touched my precious skin! What is wrong with you?! Everyone treats me like a princess, why can't you?" She snapped at my figure as she walked past me without even turning around. And of course, gravity also was very kind to me since I fell down on my butt.. Hard. Damn.. I can never get that girl to shut up can I? Reaching for my fallen bag, I made my way through the gates of the school to leave hell, and enter heaven; Home.

Sometime later, I reached my house that was a few blocks away from my school. I looked at my front yard and wondered why the flowers grew so healthy considering that I haven't watered them in months. I saw my garden gnome friend, Carlo. He still had the same appearance and features just like before when I received it from dad. Man, he was obsessed with them gnomes. He would always bring a few home and sometimes put them on the kitchen table. He was a total goof, just like me sometimes.

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