Dean Winchester, I'm here to ask you a few questions

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Sam left her, after all, she had done for him, he abandons her. He left her with dad. She and dad had never clicked the same way she and Sammy did while hunting.
Dad only cared about killing the son of a bitch, while Sammy cared about working as a team and our safety.
We couldn't work together and one night he just took off. I went on without him.

It had been three months since I had seen dad when I was on a case in a town in Texas.
I had my cover established, everything was set when the agents had arrived, no worries tho, I had it control. Although they did catch me off guard. Whenever I tried to ask any of the usual questions they had beat me to it. 'Well, I'm stumped'. 'I'm getting nowhere on this case with these agents around'.
In the end, I did get all the information I needed to know what the son of a bitch was (vamp nest).
Now Dean was just finishing up the last if the bloodsuckers when the two agents ( Thomas and Jim) had arrived. They had found her just as she was beheading the second last vamp. "Holy crap" Jim whispered to Thomas. Just then the last vampire was about to ambush Dean, both agents yelled out "BEHIND YOU". Dean whipped around when she heard the warning and took the vampires head clean off.
" that was so badass!!! " Jim yelled. Dean smiled, still coming off of the adrenaline rush from only a few moments ago. That was when Thomas saw the heavy bleeding coming from dean's side." You're injured!" He exclaimed rushing to her side as she began to sway dangerously and caught her by the shoulder. "You need medical attention ASAP, Jim calls 911 now!" As soon the sentence ended Dean started to struggle in his arms. "No, no, no. No hospitals, this isn't that serious" she murmured. All Thomas could do was look at her in disbelief. Jim had just come off the phone and rushed to their side and took the opposite arm and put it around his shoulder. "Yeah no, you are going to the hospital". And with that, they went to their car and went to the hospital.

Dean woke up two days later. The two agents sat beside her the entire time.
It was about 2:00 when she awoke.
Jim's Pov

Thomas was sleeping and Jim was on the phone with his superiors when he saw a movement out of the corner of his eye. Deanna had her eyes wide open and was beginning to choke on the breathing tube in her mouth. "I have to go " and he hung up and pressed the button to call the doctor.
A few moments later the doctor and in and I woke Thomas up and left the room. When everything was sorted we were both allowed back into the room. When I entered Ms Danvers waved at up!a. "So, I guess I owe you a thank you," she said and smiled. "I guess so, given the fact that we saved your life". Thomas said. All this while I didn't say anything. I was just staring at someone not many agents got to meet. She was a hunter! They say hunters are one of the toughest people one will ever meet. "It is an honour to meet you Ms.Danvers tho I know that is not your real name" I blurted out. After I said them the smile on her face immediately fell.
No pov
"You guessed correctly and judging by how you were not the least bit surprised by finding me kill a bunch of vamps I wager you guys are hunters. albeit new ones cuz you both suck at it". her face remained serious as she continued. "What I wanted to know is where you both got your fake badges, cuz those are some pretty convincing F.B.I badges". that was when Jim started to talk non stop unable to stop fanboying.

"OHMYGOD YOURAHUNTERGOODLORD INEVERTHOUGHTIDEVERMEETAREALHUNTER". he might as well be jumping around like a teenage girl. All Thomas could think all the while was 'what are we going to tell our superiors'. "YOUEVENHADTHEFAKEBADGEANDALLOHMYGODTHISISSOAWSOMEICANTWAITTILLBOSSCOMESHERETOMEETYOU!" "'WHAT'" thought Thomas as dean said the same thing out loud. "what do you mean Boss!?"

'the hell is this guy talking about!'
Dean was about as done with this shit as she was with life in general. "I believe he means me". A lady appeared in the doorway and in an instant she had a gun aimed at her head by Dean. "Who are you?" she growled . " who are all of you, and I suggest you answer or your all dead". And hell did that scare the boss lady guessing by how her hands were held up in a gesture of saying 'I surrender or I mean no harm' and her wide eyes. " we wish to talk, that's all" "I'll be the judge of that start talking".

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