Family Issues are a Universal Thing Apparently

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         The ArkAngel  Micheal was standing at the edge of heaven observing Earth's activity when he heard "BROTHER, BROTHER, I HAVE NEWS!" 
        A seraph came into his view. "What is it Esriel? " he asked  "there had been increased demon activity near the descendants of Cain and Abel, the Heavenly Choir thinks that they are trying to start the apocalypse"

Micheal looks at his fellow angle in disbelief " why??? The apocalypse is still many aeons away ".

"We do not know Brother, but the vessels are vulnerable right now as they are separated at the moment" that doesn't make sense........

" Thank you for informing me Esriel, I shall get to the bottom of this at once".
And with that Esriel was dismissed. 

Great a new problem to add over the already heapping pile of problems already present.


In Micheal's personal heaven he walked through a doorway that leads him straight to the cage that held his beloved brother, Lucifer.

Micheal walked up to the cage, anger seeping through him.
Lucifer had his back to him as Micheal stood in front of the cage.

"Why hello, Brother, came to keep dear old me, company?". 
"Skip the pleasantry Brother, you know why I'm here, call off your demons, the time for your coming is still not a few more millennia".

Lucifer had the audacity to turn around and look offended.
" excuse me, what made you think I can make them do anything".

"Then who else is doing this!?"
Lucifer looked at him dead in the eye with a smile and said "how should I know, I've been in this cage" with a shrug.
Lucifer was talking great joy in riling Micheal up. 
But Micheal had had enough " there is no point in talking to you. There wasn't then, and there isn't now. Goodbye brother"

Just as he was leaving he heard Lucifer say, with glee in his voice " I was always going to reach my goal. Those creatures aren't going to stand a chance " 

With renewed ambition he staked up to Lucifer and gripped his shirt through the bars, Micheal growled in his face.

 "keep dreaming lucifer, heaven and I will never let that happen!

Lucifer just looked at him with a crazed look in his eyes " oh! I'm not going to be the one to kill them, our Brothers and Sisters will!"
    "Even now I can feel tension up in Heaven".

No, NO!!! WHY?

"WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS! why do you hate, Father, commanded us to love!"

That made Lucifer angry
"Because they're weak, they don't deserve our love, why should we lower ourselves to them when we are better!"

so we're doing this again...

"You are SELFISH Lucifer, you have always wanted all of Father's love to yourself and never leave enough for anyone else!
The moment Father created the humans you were jealous, you acted out, you acted like a spoiled child not getting what he wanted, and you still are!"

Micheal was seething, this always happened whenever we talked. After all that I had done for him, it had never been enough but I still loved him, after all, it had been just him and I for so long. He was the most important person in my existence.

"Because no one else loved me! All I had was him and I lost him, you were never there for me! No one was"Lucifer screamed.
" I didn't love you?! I was always there, from the beginning, it was just you, me. I cared for you when Father was busy and I was the one who showed you how to fly, I gave you everything!" Micheal hung his head ad his eyes welled up in tears.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2018 ⏰

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