monsters I get , people? crazy

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I look around the room I woke up in.
It was a large room and I was in a bed I'd never seen.

I got up and got dressed cuz... Ya know.....

Anyway, she made her way out of the room and thankfully she still had her gun and knife in her jacket and found out the room was upstairs.

She descended down the stairs and down another hallway until she came to a kitchen where she heard noises of someone cooking. Gun in hand she turned the corner and found ......... The dangerous bar guy making (she looked at the stove) EGGS??? What is going on? Did we get the wrong guy?

The guy ..... What was his name? Turned around at the sky d of my gun cocking and he dropped the spatula and I see him reaching for something under his shirt.
" don't even think about it," I say as I quickly move in graving his arms and disabling him
" god damn it, where all the good ones crazy!?" He screams. But guess what, he sounds kind of annoying so put a hand over his mouth.
" you are going to tell me where all your other victims are and what you are. If you do what I tell you, I might make your death quick"
He looked at me with wide, scared and confused eyes " lady what are you talking about!?"
It all clicked into place then. "Son of a bitch are you telling me, you're a human?"
"YES, PLEASE let me go, the vics are in the basement, please just don't kill me". Damn, he looked close to shitting himself from how hard he was crying.
I kind of feel bad for him. Kind of. Almost. But not enough.
Just then I hear the front door of the house being flown open . "FBI. YOUR UNDER AREST!"

And that was how her first 'hunt' went.
Back at H.Q boss lady congratulated us and then Jim took us to his favourite bar, all on him.
Oh yeah, I was milk this. I got so drunk I couldn't even think straight. I was ' this' close to going home with this busty waitress when Thomas pulled me back to our table.
" sooooooooooo, Dean" Thomas giggled and ain't that a sight, a grown man, piss drunk and giggling like a teenage girl talk g to her crush.
" you be we talk about your family, tell us about your family" Jim finished Thomas's sentence, practically whining like a 3-year-old.

At this point, she was so far gone that she spilt everything. Everything. Her entire life story.
So we got comfortable and I started my story.
"So from the bigging?"
"Yup," said both of them.
"Well let's see..... OK so,
My parents, John and Mary, had me (they were married) and named me Deanna Micheal Winchester, I was an only child for three years and then I got a little brother. They named him Sam.
At this point out life was ' HUNTING FREE!' " I said happily air quotes " but that ended. One night, a demon came I to Sammy room and me and my mom heard crying from his room. My mom went to his room but then I heard screaming and I ran to the room and I found Sammy crying in his crib and mom on ceiling BURING.

Dad came in running into the room. He took Sammy out of his crib and handed him to me. From that night, oh was just dad, me and Sammy. We started hunting then." "wait, we?" Thomas cut in looking alarmed but it came out seriously slurred because of his drunken state "Yup, we, three months after the fire dad handed a 45. And took me to the field, set up targets and told me to shoot every single one of them" I said happily smiling.

Because I helped dad avenge mom, and it had made dad proud of me. He never said it but I knew it did. All the harsh training and dislocated shoulders were worth it just to see the small smile dad gave me when I hit all the targets or has a successful hunt or when I was taking care of Sammy and when he would say "good job honey"
"But that was dangerous!!!" Proclaimed Jim jerking up from leaning on Thomas listing to her story attentively.
"Eh. So what??? It's helped me become who I am today, anyway where was I ???" I ask
Jim looked annoyed and had a pout on his face but answered me "you had just lost your mom " oh yeah!
"OK, so after the fire, I went sort of mute for a few months from what I remember dad telling me. I went to school but I still said nothing
They were a rough couple of weeks for sure, dad was always tipsy and Sammy was only six months old so he cried non stop. We moved out OK Kansas (when I'm from) and we just kept moving from town to town, from the hotel to hotel. We even went to Canada a few times. Damn is French hard but fun to talk in (A/N: can you tell the author is from Canada?)
Anyway, ever since I was small I always felt responsible for Sam. I raised him did ya know?. I took jobs as a mechanic ever since I looked old enough to. Money was tight. Sammy going to high school really made things hard too. Dad was protective of him.
He wanted him to stay at the hotel or be put in training. Like I did. But I couldn't take care of him when I was in school. It got even harder when he started to hide from me. He ran away once. God was dad so mad. He lost his shit.
So as soon as I turned 17, I dropped out. And then when Sammy turned 18he applied for Stanford (did I tell you he was crazy smart and loves school, he was always the smarter of us two) he got accepted too.
He told us, dad didn't take it so well they both started telling, all I could do was watch, they had been doing that for 3 years at this point and it never ended well for me when I intervened.
Anyway, Sammy packed his bags and I drove him to the bus stop. We hugged and said our goodbyes and I went back to the hotel.
A few months later dad left me too because we didn't hunt and good together as before.  Things met you two.
And that's my life story folks, good wasn't it?"
I said as I flailing my arms wide in a show of dramatics.
I told them all this because I knew we they wouldn't remember any of it anyway.
       We went home in a taxi to the hotel we were staying at and went to sleep.

The hangover I had was the worst I had in my life.

We never talked about it in the morning so I'm just gonna assume they don't have any memory of the conversations from last night.

The cases from then on were not only hunts but normal human sickos too.

Two years later I finally have my life together and I have everything I've always wanted in my life. Things I could never have when I lived with dad and Sammy.
I check upon him two times a year but that's about it. If hey didn't want me in their life, then so be it. I've found a better family. I've got Thomas, Jim, Bobby, Ellen(whom I met not too long ago) and her daughter Jo and Charlie. 

Life is good. I have people in my life that love me and care about me genuinely and not becuase they might be able to use me later.

What I didn't know was that I was going to get an extension to the group that call my family so very soon.

OK hope you liked this I wrote this on my phone on a four-hour car ride with my family at 2,in the morning. FUN.....NOT.
I'll edit this later once I get some sleep. Oh and sorry Sherlock isn't gonna be here in a while so dont get your hopes up. There will be a lot going on in this story.

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