Trust Me (Lucifer)

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Your high heels clicked on the marble flooring of the church. You approached the front pews, the spring in your step slowly losing bounce and gaining a shakiness. You looked so out of place with your ripped fishnet stockings, black boots, short jean skirt, and form fitting tank top. To say you were religious would be a flat out lie. But on nights like this, you needed someone to talk to. 

"Hey God.." you started out closing your eyes. Your eyelashes were caked with mascara so crying was not an option. "Uh. Forgive me father for I have sinned... Bla bla bla bullsh.t bullsh.t BULLSH.T." You yelled into the emptiness, you buried your face in your hands, you couldn't even bring yourself to pretend he was real tonight. You stood up and stormed out of the church, once outside you took a deep breath of the fresh air trying to clear your mind. 

"What's a beautiful girl like you doing crying? And in a church none the less. You don't take me for a God fearing woman."

You looked around and saw a man leaning against an oak tree. His face was hidden by the shadows. You squinted attempting to see his features. 

"I'm uh I'm just..." Your voice trailed off as he emerged into the pale moonlight. His hands were shoved into his pockets as he walked towards you but as he drew closer he removed one and brought it to your face, he slowly wiped away a tear from your cheek that you didn't even know had fallen. 

You took a step back, not knowing if he was dangerous. 

"Darling," He said closing the space between you, "Trust me." He whispered. 

"I-I don't even know you..." You said, his other hand now moved to your lower back. 

"There's no need to be afraid, Trust me, just as  I trust you." His voice was smooth and sweet. 

"Your cheeks turned a light hue of red, "I trust you." The words just burst from your mouth. His presence made your skin crawl, you knew you had no reason to trust him, he was the "bad boy" but just as any cliche goes, you put your faith in him. 

"Are you gonna tell me what happened?" He asked, tilting your chin up.

"I had a rough night at work."

"Judging by your attire you're not a teacher or anything of the sort." He released you and put his hands behind his back. He leaned in close looking you in the eyes and then began circling you. You could feel his eyes probing at every square inch of you. Being a stripper you were used to guys staring at you but not like this. 

"I should go..." You murmured. 

"Go? But Darling Dear." He said coming up behind you, his hands around your waist. His breath was hot against your neck.

"I... suppose I could stay." You whispered. He led you down the street to a run down building. He guided you up the stair well to a substandard motel room. 

You stepped inside and looked around, the door closed behind you and you heard him lock it. You turned around and met him face to face. He smirked at you and kissed your exposed neck, he then picked you up and carried you over to the bed where he basically dropped you onto the bed, you landed on your back. He then rummaged through the nightstand drawer and brought out a set of gleaming handcuffs. He got on top of you, pinning your hands above your head. The cold metal sent shivers through your body as he placed the hand cuffs on one wrist, looped them around the bars of the headboard, and the clicked them securely to your other wrist. 

His face was just inches from yours, all you could focus on was his lips. He then reached behind his back and pulled out a knife. Your shirt was riding up slightly allowing a small patch of skin to be seen in the dim light from from a small lamp on the dresser. He skimmed the tip of the knife against your exposed skin. You sucked in your gut slightly. 

"How do I know you won't stab me?" You questioned.

"Because then I'd have no one to play with," He winked. He slid the knife under your shirt, tearing the fabric. You closed your eyes, listening to the sound of ripping cloth. He kissed your abdomen right below your chest. You squirmed a bit from his surprisingly soft lips. Once he moved on you could feel the ghost of his touch still lingering on your skin.

He trailed more kisses down your tummy and stopped right above your waistline. He bit down on the zipper of your skirt and unzipped it with his teeth. He used his knife to tear it open the rest of the way. You quivered as the tip of the blade traced your hip bone. The cold metal of the handcuffs pressed against your wrists leaving little impressions. He leaned in and kissed you on your little bundle of nerves before ripping your panties off and tossing them across the room. 

You let out a small gasp as he began rubbing you, he then moved his hands up your torso slowly and pinned you in place, his tongue circled your nipple causing them to harden. He gently bit down making you moan softly. 

He gave each nipple equal attention before he stood up. You could see the hard outline of the bulge in his jeans. He removed his shirt, lifting it over his head before discarding it somewhere into the room. You bit your lip, staring at his exposed skin. You could feel yourself become wetter, watching his muscles flex. Once he was stripped out of his pants, he returned to the bed and dragged the knife along your thigh causing one of your fishnets to tear. In under a minute he had them both ripped to shreds and off of your body, leaving you fully exposed. 

He rubbed along your entrance with the tip of his erect d!ck wetting it with your juices. He slowly slid into you, making your back arch slightly. The handcuffs rattled against the bed post as you squirmed. He placed his forehead against yours, looking you dead in the eyes while he thrust into you. You could feel the pleasure deep in your core. One of his hands stroked your hair while the other found its way back to your nipple. He rubbed the bud between his forefinger and thumb. You looked deep into his piercing eyes, you blushed and looked away but his hand was on your chin in an instant. 

"Look at  me." He commanded sternly. 

You hesitantly met his gaze once again. He kissed you, sliding his tongue into your mouth. 

His thrusts were becoming aggressively faster. His body was coated in a sheen of sweat that glinted as he moved. You orgasmed against his body, your legs shaking violently due to the enormity of the pleasure. Your pleasure seemed to spur him  on as he continued, each thrust seeming deeper and deeper. You felt another orgasm coming on, you had to choke back a scream as he sped up to an abnormal speed. He was like a crazy s3x god. You wondered how it was even possible that he was going so fast but he was giving you so much pleasure that your mind didn't linger on that thought for long, especially not as you felt him fill you with his hot cum.

He slid out of you and uncuffed you. You sat there not knowing what to do next, he kissed your forehead and after a few moments your eyelids felt heavy, you fell asleep almost instantly. When you awoke in the morning the mysterious stranger was gone. You were alone. 

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