Chapter 14

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Lauren's POV

The next morning I wake up alone. I can hear Camila showering so I get up and go into the bathroom to go pee. I wash my hands, but don’t go into the shower. I doubt we would leave the house if I did and I need to work in a while.

I head downstairs to the kitchen to start some coffee for myself. I throw in two bagels and I’m getting a protein shake in the blender when Camila comes down running my comb through her hair.

“Morning, babe,” I say as she pads into the room.

“Morning,” she smiles and comes over to kiss me.

“I have a bagel for you. Did you sleep alright?”

“I slept great.” She hugs me tight. “Thanks for making us breakfast.”

“You’re welcome. I’m making a protein shake if you want one.”

“I’ve never had one.”

“It’s chocolate. Here, try mine.” I pour mine into a glass and hand it to her.

“Well if Sally doesn’t like it we’ll find out with the bacon.” Camila takes a small drink.


She shrugs and says, “It kind of tastes like chocolate chalk, but otherwise it’s not–” She covers her mouth and hauls ass to the sink.

Sally doesn’t like it.

I move to stand behind her and rub her back as the shake comes back up. Thankfully Camila only heaves a few times before she rinses her mouth and the sink out.

“Okay… it’s a no go on the protein shakes,” she says as she reaches for a paper towel.

“Check,” I say and go to get her a glass of water. “What do you have going on today?”


“Sounds fun,” I nod and start to doctor my coffee. “I’m still showing the Laudermilks houses. I have to meet them at the first one at eleven.”

“Wanna trade? I’ll show houses and you go to the laundromat?”

“I wouldn’t wish the Laudermilks on a snake,” I cringe. “You know you can bring your laundry here, right?”

“I do now,” she smiles.

“I’ll give you the code to get into the garage door and the alarm code,” I tell her. If something ever happens and I suddenly don’t trust her I can change both codes easily.

“Are you sure? I can just wait until you’re home.”

“Yeah,” I nod. “I trust you and if you come in and fuck the place up or steal a bunch of shit I will have learned my lesson.”

“Damn, you figured out my evil master plan,” she giggles. “I knew you weren’t just good looks.”

“Oh, I’m way more than good looks,” I wink. “If you get horny you can masturbate in various rooms to see if any are good for a sex room since we didn’t decide last time.”

“Babe, if I do that then laundry won’t get done.”

“Then you’ll just have to stay another day,” I smirk.

“Mmm… maybe. But if you’re not here I’ll have to send you dirty pictures or videos and you’ll just get all distracted.”

“It’s better than dealing with Mrs. L hitting on me while her husband yells at her for doing it.”

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