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June 3,2012

Its times like this ehen i just feel so lonely for some reason its like everyone got someone for them but me and its like who do i have? Thats a question i really cant abswer its like no one likes me they proble think im ugly i think i am expecilly now plus i feel fa t i never had a boyfriend or went on a date i have kissed people but my first kiss was a mistake that shouldnt have happend because i lost a really good friend anf now to this day u cant even look them in the face or add them on facebook and i dont even knoe why and then this other guy was just using me even tho he had a girlfriend i knew he did and i dont even know why i did that with him and now he got the girl pregnate and we dont talk anymore and he live right down the street from me. Its like every guy that i do something something is always wrong and i can never find a guy yhat wants me and the girl on the side not to rune a friendship or not any thing else justto love me for me and

not how my body look because under my big chest and thick legs im very insecure and emotional person with low selfesteem and i just want to be happy..... Sincerely, A very insecure person;(

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