"H-how long have you been standing there?" - "Long enough."

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It was just another day in the Gallagher house with yelling and screaming as everyone was fighting for a shower or just to use the bathroom in general before the bathroom door was slammed in their face and locked. 

"I swear to god let me have a shower!" Carl yelled, making sure that the whole family had heard him. 

"Since when the hell do you even shower?" Fiona asked, raising a brow at her younger brother who definitely didn't care about himself. He ignored his older sister and walked past her with a handful of clothes. "Machines not working." 

"How the hell am I supposed to wash my clothes?" 

"Uhh... the sink?" Fiona suggested like it was the most simplest thing in the world. 

"What  we living like the Flintstones now?" Carl said as he rolled his eyes. 

"What the hell is up with Carl?" Lip asked as he walked into the kitchen, his hair wet from the shower that he just had. 

"Yeah, why do you want to smell nice all of a sudden?" 

"Shower's free." Ian said as he soon followed into the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee. Carl didn't acknowledge any of the questions that were thrown at him and walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs to have a shower. As the rest of the family were downstairs wondering what the hell was going on, Carl was upstairs making sure that he lathered his body up in soap and washed his hair to make it look more acceptable. Once he was out of the shower he wrapped the white towel around his waist and walked back to his room where he looked for the cleanest clothes that he could find. After about half an hour of looking around the house he found clean clothes and got changed then walked back downstairs. 

"What the fuck is happening to you?" Debbie asked as she joined the rest of her siblings as Carl was having a shower. 

"None of your business." Carl snorted, looking in the fridge and pulling an apple out. The whole family looked at him in disbelief and slight terror. "What?"

"I just can't remember the last time you ate an apple." Fiona said, shaking her head. 

"Yeah, or anything healthy." Lip continued. 

"Gotta keep fit." 

Everyone just nodded their heads in agreement since no one actually knew what to say. 

"Wait is this about (Y/N)?" Debbie asked. Carl's face lit up like a christmas tree as he looked around.  

"Definitely about her." Ian laughed. 

"Oh shut up." Carl groaned. 

"Told ya he would go soft." Lip grinned.

"Fuck off." Carl cursed at his brother. Carl had been waiting so long to have this opportunity. (Y/N) had broken up with her boyfriend who wouldn't let her see Carl. Her boyfriend was jealous of Carl didn't want (Y/N) to be around any other males. To say (Y/N) was pissed off was an understatement. She hated being with him and wanted to leave his protective manipulating ass. That was the moment that she felt completely free from the toxic relationship. 

"Carl's in love." Ian grinned, mocking his younger brother. 

"Man I've loved her forever but that dickhead got to her first. I could have treated her so much better than he could and I wouldn't make her feel so low. I've got to tell her how I actually feel about her before some other guy decides to take her away. She means too much for me." 

The rest of  family had said nothing as they looked towards the opening to the lounge room and say (Y/N) standing there. 

"H-how long have you been standing there?" 

"Long enough." 

"Well we are going to leave you guys alone." Fiona said, signalling the rest of the siblings to follow her out of the house. 

"You look good." (Y/N) said, eyeing Carl up and down. 


"Look, I'm sorry that he kept me away from you." 

"It's not your fault."

"You really meant what you said just then?" (Y/N) said, pointing towards the kitchen where he had just thrown his heart out. They were both silent. (Y/N) waiting for an answer while Carl was trying to find the words to say. 

"Yeah." He breathed. 

"Good, because I know that you can treat me better."  (Y/N) whispered, moving closer to him. He felt like he was dreaming. 

"You're everything that I want." 

"Make me yours." (Y/N) whispered, smashing her lips onto his. He was finally complete and there was nothing in the world that he wanted more. When they had pulled away Carl couldn't stop smiling. 

"Be mine." 

"Yes." (Y/N) smiled, finally glad that she was going to be in a better relationship.A relationship where there was no lies, no manipulating and no stopping the other person from seeing people.

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