"I cheated." - "You what?"

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Fiona pulled her cardigan up as she let out a shiver, the heater wasn't working again and she was freezing. (Y/N) on the other hand was used to it and just threw on her favourite huge jacket that she loved so much. It was warm and cozy doing the job of keeping her warm. (Y/N) was at the Gallagher house helping Fiona with the get the bills together and making sure that everything was getting paid. The stress of making sure that all the bills were being paid was taking a toll on Fiona as she wanted her siblings to have things that she didn't when they were growing up. She hated her parents with a passion and wanted to be a better mother figure then their real mother ever was.

"Thank you again for helping me do this." Fiona said, frantically placing bill papers on the kitchen table and the squirrel fund in between the two. (Y/N) smiled at the oldest Gallagher and nodded her head.

"Anytime, I'm always happy to help you guys you're all family to me." (Y/N) had been dating Carl for a year now and all the Gallagher's were happy about the fact that their brother went for such a good polite girl instead of the rest of the snobby girls in the south side. They all actually thought that Carl actually had a chance at love and being happy.

"We all love you too." Fiona said, grabbing two beers out of the fridge and passed one to (Y/N), if they were going to be doing the bills then they were definitely going to drink. (Y/N) thanked her as she opened the bottle and took a swig before getting stuck into the papers.


Four hours later the two girls let out a sigh of relief as Fiona placed the last bill with the money inside it back on the table in the neatly stacked piles. Next to the piles were 5 empty bottles of beer from both girls while they were working, occasionally they would stop for a break and chat while they drank and then got back to it.

"Didn't know that a house had so much shit to pay." Fiona said, looking down at the table. (Y/N) nodded her head in agreement and laughed.

"And I thought they there was only a small batch of bills." The two were suddenly interrupted by Lip and Ian walking into the house and the girls thought that they were getting raided. They both turned their heads to look at them as they talked about ways that they could get money for Lip's college funds.

"Strippers get heaps of money." Lip shrugged, it looked like he was about to give up.

"Or just a normal day or night job." Ian said, grabbing a beer from the fridge. Lip let out a sigh and ran up the stairs to go have a shower and think of ideas in his room on his comfortable bed, with Ian right behind him.

"What the hell was that about?" Fiona asked as (Y/N) shrugged her shoulders and turned her attention back to the table. Just then Debbie and Carl walked in the kitchen from. Debbie had gone out for the day while Carl had to go back to the school to do a test that he didn't do.

"How'd you go?" (Y/N) asked, her eyes sparkling as she waited for her boyfriend to answer.

"Really good, I passed." He smiled, running over to (Y/N) and engulfing her into a hug.

"I knew you could do it." (Y/N) told him. Carl suddenly felt sick to his stomach as he tried to hid what happened at the school for his girlfriend while Debbie gave him a look without (Y/N) noticing.


"You tell her right now or I swear to god I'll tell her myself." Debbie whispered harshly to her brother as she hit him over the head as she walked up behind him as he sat at the table. His sister just walked in from the lounge room where she and Liam were watching a movie. Carl looked up, nearly pulling something in his neck as his face turned pale.

"You can't tell he, she can't know about this." He whispered back, looking around frantically scared for his life that she would come down any minute and ask what the hell was going on.

"Tell her or I'll fuck you up." Debbie growled. Carl bit his lip as he glared at his sister with hatred and guilt in his eyes. He let out a sigh and got up, slowly making his way up the stairs where (Y/N) was fixing her hair. He walked past the upstairs bathroom and into his room where he sat on Ian's bed with his face in his hands.

"You okay?" (Y/N) asked, coming into the room and closing the door behind her. Carl slowly lifted his head and looked at her as she leaned against the door. He shook his head, licked his dry lips and tried to keep eye contact. (Y/N) walked closer to him with a questioning look on her face, finally sitting next to him she opened her mouth to talk but nothing came out.

"I cheated." (Y/N) ran through every scenario on her head and started to overthink everything. She knew that the school slut Holly and others were trying to get with Carl in and even out of school but she always trusted him and thought that he was loyal. The scenarios kept on running around her mind, was there another girl who was better than her but before she could go on and make things even worse she decided to speak.

"What?" It came out as a whisper but Carl heard it perfectly.

"I know that I'm not book smart, street smart or any kind of smart so I took someone's answers and wrote them where no one could see. I tried to study but nothing would sink into my head and I really wanted to make you proud." (Y/N) finally felt better and cursed herself for overthinking like she always did but she couldn't help it.

"Carl, you're smart in your own way. Not everyone is book or street smart there's so much that you can do. I'm proud of how far you have come. Hell you burnt dolls, sold drugs, went to juvie and sold guns now look at you all grown up and looking after your family." Carl nodded his head, tears beginning to form in his eyes. No one has said anything like that to him before, only Fiona but her words didn't hit him like this. Maybe it was the fact that she was his girlfriend and anything that she says to him had effect on him and he wanted to make her proud of him and keep her happy.

"I love you."

"I love you too, by the way what percentage did you get?" (Y/N) laughed.

"93% I think the teachers know." He laughed.

"Definitely. Don't do it again." She smiled, kissing him.  

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