"Will you go with me?" - "As long as you hold my hand."

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might be shitty but hey I updated 

For as long as Carl could remember he always had a crush on (Y/N). Everything about her hypnotised him from the way her hair moved when she walked, the little dimples she got whenever she smiled, her scent all the way to where she helped people. Most people would shake their heads and give her a dirty look since she was known as one of the popular girls but this never went to her head like everyone else. Whenever a jock pushed some poor defenceless person into the lockers, (Y/N) would be there to shout at the jock letting him know how 'ugly' he really was and walked away with whoever copped it to the lockers this time around.

Everyday after school, Carl would walk out of the school and head towards the side of the railing and look down at her as she talked and laughed with her friends below. To other people this may seem like a creepy stalker but Carl wanted more. From watching her from far and of course close as they had some of their classes together, he knew that made her tick and what made her calm. He knew what she was passionate about to the things that she absolutely hated. He knew her dreams and where she wanted to go and even how she blabbered on about nothing at all.

Going home was the same for the Gallagher boy everyday. Push the homework away, have something to eat, bicker with his siblings, eat again, bicker some more about how everything was complete bullshit and go to his room to sleep. His dreams however, were different every night, and when he drifted into a deep sleep he simply regretted it but couldn't wake himself up.

He was walking down the street towards his crush who had been waiting when he was pushed down as laughter filled the air. His eyes started at black shoes up the long legs and torso to a laughing Tyler. His eyes then flickered over to (Y/N) as she watched.

"You really think that she would go for someone like you?" Tyler laughed, as (Y/N) walked over to the two where Tyler placed his arm around her body. "No one wants a low life like you." With a simple kicked of his shoes, Tyler flicked more lose gravel on Carl and the two walked away leaving him on the ground.

He shot up as he woke from the nightmare and wiped the sweat off his face, looking over at his brothers who were still fast asleep, not even bothered about what had happened. Instead of going back to sleep, he lay on his back, staring up at the ceiling thinking whether or not he was a low life.


On the way to school he shoved his hands in his green puffy jacket and stared at the ground. The dream that he had last night felt so real but it was soon pushed aside when he heard (Y/N) and Tyler laughing as they walked together on the opposite side of the road. Jealousy bubbled up inside of him as he tried to ignore them and kept on walking. How was he going to ask her now, since she had a boyfriend? As he got to the school and reached his locker he was greeted again by the two along with some friends.

"You two dating or something?" One of the blondes asked.

"Why don't people understand that we aren't dating?" (Y/N) said, her voice filled with frustration making Carl's ear prick up as he was just a few feet away from them so he could listen to everything that was being said.

"We should be." Tyler smirked.

"Yeah... no." (Y/N) laughed, walking away. Carl smiled to himself, he now had a chance. His first class was maths where he wanted to thank his teacher for making them sit together since it was time to switch the seating around. He took his seat next to (Y/N) since she had come early to get away from everyone. Something she did that Carl had caught onto.

"Hey." He greeted with a smile. Her eyes moved towards him and she smiled that smile that he loved so much.


Carl's insides along with (Y/N)'s erupted in butterflies. The reason for (Y/N) not wanting to date Tyler was because she liked someone else: Carl Gallagher.

"Came to class early, huh?" Carl asked, hoping his wasn't embarrassing himself in front of a beautiful girl.

"Yeah, but so did you." She laughed, looking around the still empty classroom.

"Couldn't let you be all alone is such a crappy classroom."

"That's really sweet of you. Have you asked anyone to go to the school dance thing with?"

"No. You?" He mentally thanked her for reminding him since he wasn't even going to go to it since he was so sure that she had already been asked by someone else. Now he could see if she was going with someone.

"Yeah." She said. Carl looked down as he slowly nodded his head as an 'oh' escaped his lips. "Turned him down though." He looked back up, surprised by her answer and smiled at her.

"Will you go with me?" Hope and fear both laced in his words as he waited patiently for her answer. (Y/N) thought for a moment, making Carl even more nervous.

"As long as you hold my hand." She smiled.


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