Twenty Nine

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"Vash, you never come over anymore. Do you need something?" Roderich asked his friend across the table while Gilbert plucked a beer from the fridge.
"I don't really need anything...exactly..." Vash looked pretty awkward "I have news."
"Vash, we've known you were gay for a while." Gilbert chuckled. "No worries."
"No! That's not it! Well...not quite..."
"I can get him to leave if you want." Roderich eyed Gilbert angrily. This was a common trend from the man he had fallen for back in high school. Roderich was prissy as fuck but damn did he ever make it look sexy.
"It's okay. I don't mind." Vash steepled his fingers. "I'm asexual."
"Asexual?" Roderich furrowed his brow.
"I'm not into guys or girls or anything...sexually that is."
"Wait...that's a thing...?" Roderich blinked. "'ve never..."
"It is a thing. I haven't quite worked out what I am romantically...but sexually I'm nothing."
"What do you mean romantically?"
"It's like...sometimes you're attracted to people in a romantic way but not sexually."
"Ah...I see..." Roderich nodded.
"That's crazy, Vash. Who isn't into sex?!"
"Me, Gilbert." Vash rolled his eyes.
Gilbert only chuckled.
"Go play your video game, Gilbert." Roderich sighed.


"I've been thinking..."
"Yeah babe?" Gilbert leaned across the bed, planting a hard kiss on Roderich's cheek.
"Gilbert, I think I'm asexual."
"That's crazy. We've done it before."
"Once. And I wasn't into it at all. I never told you because I thought it was you but it was probably me." Roderich swallowed. "So..."
"Does this mean we can't have sex anymore?"
"Is that all you think about?"
"Uh...yeah. Kinda."
"Gilbert, I need some time to figure this out. We shouldn't have sex in the meantime."
Gilbert swallowed, getting out of bed and heading to the door.
"Where are you going?"
"I need to clear my head."
"Don't get in trouble for public intoxication again."


"I'm walking here!" Gilbert shouted at the stranger
"Sorry." The blond was tall, but maybe it was just his hair. The male beside him was very serious looking and had a cross pin in his hair.
"Is he wearing a collar?" Gilbert asked, noticing the smaller man's accessory.
"Ja. We're on our way to an S&M party."
"MATTHIAS! Don't tell people that!"
"What's S&M?" Gilbert asked.
"It's you wanna see?"


"After that, Roderich took off. He had to find himself but he found our old friend from high school, Elizaveta, instead. They're married now. I felt bad about having sex with Roderich when he was reluctant and, honestly, I don't know if I would have been able to cope if I didn't learn about bdsm." Gilbert leaned back against the headboard of his bed, the same bed he had shared with Roderich all those years ago. "It's can do anything to somebody and they'll like it. And if they don't, there's a clear understanding that they'll use their safe word. No matter what, there's always a way out."
"I just thought you had control issues or something..." Matthew whispered.
"That too." Gilbert shrugged. "So, we're having a big family Christmas party in the living room and I'm the only one without a date. Do you want to party with a couple scrubs for a little while or do you want to stay in here and nap some more."
"I...I would like to party."
"Good. I've got plenty of beer."

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